Page 14 of Defy

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Her fingers tightened on mine and she grew quiet for a few moments as if lost in thought.

Finally when she spoke, she asked, “And how is the Governor involved in this? Did you call in a favor for a fat donation to his campaign?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “That is exactly what I did.”

“Let me guess. The favor was my bail.”

“Part of it. The other was, releasing you exclusively into my custody.”

“Why did you agree to such a high price?”

“I could have gotten a lower amount for the bail, but we all agreed the high price tag would keep the media from thinking I wouldn’t put so much money on the line if I planned to help you escape to another country.”

She gave a dramatic sigh. “My fantasies of you whisking me off to some tropical place without extradition agreements with the US are shattered. I was looking forward to laying around in a bikini and having cocktails served under a cabana.”

If she only knew how tempted I was to do precisely the very thing she described. But the craving to find out who framed her and put them down was the bigger desire at the moment.

“I don’t give two shits about the money. I want you safe, and until I know who killed Randolph, you’re always with me.”

“You have a job, Damon. I have a job. We can’t be together at every hour of every day.”

“Want to bet.”

“Yes. I have a life outside of you. My commitments include shows, events, photoshoots, and parties.”

“I never said you couldn’t do any of those things. If you plan to work, attend a show, make an appearance at a party, or even visit a fucking friend, I’m coming with you.”

He was out of his damn mind.

I gritted my teeth. “I’m not Maria. I don’t need you to control every aspect of my life. That is not how I want to live.”

I stared at the road ahead, feeling as if she’d punched me in the gut by bringing up Maria. This was in no way near the same situation as Maria’s.

“The last thing I would ever think of you as is Maria.”

“You wanting to be with me everywhere is extreme.”

“These are extreme circumstances, Sophia. The terms are clear for your release. I am responsible for you, your whereabouts, and what you are doing. And once we get home, I want an accounting of every second of your last seventy-two hours.”

“Is this an interrogation, Officer Pierce? That was the one place I never got to see the inside. I’m sure you did. I want to describe it just in case I never get the opportunity.”

“Very funny.”

“Here is the basic rundown of my not-so-interesting life since the end of Fashion Week. Thursday started at home. I went to my parents, where I received endless lectures on what a disappointment I was to everyone. Then, when I couldn’t take the stimulating conversation, I returned home, stayed there all day until I dressed and attended the gala, which turned into an interesting evening, as you know. Since you came in all caveman-like, caused a scene, claimed me. Oh yes, then we had voyeur sex in a greenhouse, went to your place, had more sex, and ended in jail. That sums it up.”


“What did I leave out, all-knowing one?”

I’d never understand why her standoffish attitude turned me on and made me want to choke her with my cock, instead of turning me off as it had done with every other woman before her.


There were blocks of time when none of my people could verify her whereabouts. And from my sources on the running investigation, this missing piece gave the asshole judge the ammunition added to the fingerprints to sign off on the arrest warrant.

“Want to elaborate?”

“Not at the moment. And for the record, your home is with me from now on.”
