Page 18 of Defy

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“You think I’m going to beg you to fuck me?”

“I know you will.”

“You’re pretty sure of yourself.”

“When it comes to your sexual craving, I’m an expert.”

“I can’t argue with that. Then you know what I want.”

“I also know what you need, which is care. Once you’ve rested, we can revisit this discussion.”

His words sent a shiver down my spine.

“You’re doing this on purpose.” I glared at him and moved into the shower, stepping straight into the multitude of shower heads spraying in various directions.

I braced my hands on the tiled wall, letting the water pour over me.

“God, this feels like heaven,” I couldn’t help but groan as the heat seeped into my skin.

Was it only forty-eight hours ago I’d walked into a gala with high-end call girl scandal finally simmering down and no thought of a future for Damon and me?

Man, how things change.

I should have expected the world to turn on its axis when Damon made that very public scene at the gala, letting everyone with eyesight know I was his.

And then the craziness with his former submissive’s brother when he decided to crash the party and accuse Damon of murder hadn’t made anything easier.

Was this murder charge God’s way of telling me I wasn’t deserving of happiness?

I shook the thought away. That was my mother crawling into my head.

A sadness hit me.

That seemed the only place she’d reach out to me.

The clang of the glass door had me turning and blinking water out of my eyes. Once my vision cleared, I nearly swallowed my tongue.

Damon stood before me, completely naked. A work of art, better than most of the models I encountered in my work.

I love his defined arms and shoulders. When wrapped around me, I was safe.

The rest of him wasn’t any less appealing. A broad chest with a light dusting of hair and a firm stomach with a “V” leading to a cock that I’d thought was way too big to fit the first time we’d had sex.

I’d given him my virginity in every form possible.

“Stop looking at me like that. Turn around. I’m here to bathe you.”

“I can manage.”

“It’s my job, Sophia. I take care of you.” He moved closer, his naked body brushing mine, sending goose bumps over my heated skin.

Arousal pooled between my legs, a warning sign this shower would play havoc with my exhausted mind and body.

No matter how much I wished otherwise, I craved this man’s touches, caresses, kisses, and presence.

Being here, depending on him, I knew was dangerous. There was so much we didn’t know about the other. So many secrets, so many untold stories.

“Stop thinking so hard. You are in no condition to solve any of the problems running through that head of yours. Turn around and let me tend to you.”
