Page 26 of Defy

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I’d hand that man over on a silver platter if it meant Sophia was left alone.

“What were the terms of her release?”

“She is in my custody at all times. I claim responsibility for all of her actions.”

“You legally put her in a fucking cage.”

“Don’t make me use the gun you threaten to shoot me with, Morelli. I’m protecting her until I find out who framed her. Someone wanted Randolph dead and used her as a scapegoat.”

“Let me guess, you plan to utilize every resource available to find the real killer.”

“Naturally. And I’ll call on yours when necessary.”

“Is that an order?”

“Hell would freeze over the day you took orders from me.”

“As long as we understand each other.”

I sat on my couch, not bothering to tell Lucian to join me. He’d do whatever the fuck he wanted, and that was usually the opposite of anything I suggested.

“Randolph’s list of enemies is vast. How do you plan to narrow down the suspects?”

“The best place to start is with the list of his former and current business associates. He has a reputation for double-crossing his partners. Those with money already on the line have more at stake than those he insulted or smeared in the press.”

“You’re saying it’s a crime of passion.”

“Obviously, with the use of poison. And it also means it’s someone who had close proximity to him.”

“Poison? Who the fuck uses poison nowadays? Toxicology can trace that shit.”

The outrage in Lucian’s tone echoed my sentiments when I’d heard about the method used to off Randolph.

“Exactly. No one brought up in your family would consider such a sloppy means of eliminating an enemy. The DA’s ego is running this case, and I want to play into it and let him get lax with the investigation.”

“What I want to know is that if they found Sophia’s prints in the fucker’s penthouse, why didn’t they find Lizzy’s?”

“That’s a question I’ve wondered about too. Something isn’t adding up. Sophia and Lizzy wore gloves when I picked them up the night of their renegade incident. There was no way she left fingerprints at the scene.”

“I knew she was too smart for that shit. She’s a Morelli, after all.”

“Be a proud big brother when we aren’t trying to get her out of a murder wrap.”

“Jackass.” Lucian took the armchair across from me, pulled out his phone, sent a text, and then stared me in the eyes. “Someone planted her fingerprints and that someone knew about her visit to Randolph’s penthouse that night.”

“That leaves anyone from her fellow vigilantes to those at Randolph’s apartment when he discovered his destroyed designs. It was well known the people he surrounded himself with weren’t loyal to him, only to his bank account.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“Keep her from the predators of the world. What you and your family have never done?”

“What the fuck do you mean by that?” Lucian shifted forward as if to punch me.

“You didn’t protect her from a piece of shit like Randolph.”

He clenched his fist. “I didn’t know anything about Sophia’s assault. She kept it from us.”

“It was your job to watch out for her. She was eighteen fucking years old, working as a model. It was your damn responsibility to keep her safe. Where was her security? Did anyone bother to find out the truth about what was happening in her life?”
