Page 54 of Defy

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What was the world coming to if I felt sympathy for my mother?

Shaking the insanity from my mind, I muttered, “Time to end this fucking night and go home.”

I took one last look at the sketch and turned but abruptly stopped when I found Damon only a few feet from me.

“You aren’t going anywhere unless I’m with you.”


My heartbeat thundered in my chest as I stared at Damon. His green eyes blazed as if I were the one to have done him wrong.

Inhaling a steadying breath, I allowed the hurt coursing through my body to morph into rage. It was better than the tears I so desperately wanted to spill seeing Damon and knowing he wasn’t the man I believed he was.

He wouldn’t get those.

I refused to let him see my pain.

“How did you find me?”

“Your phone. I can track it.”

“Well, you can stop tracking it. You are no longer part of any equation involving me. Your services are no longer needed, Mr. Pierce.”

“Services?” He lifted a brow, humor lighting his eyes and sending a flutter through my belly. “That’s an interesting way to put what I do for you.”

“You don’t do anything for me. Not anymore.”

“That’s not a decision you get to make. Remember, I put a lot of money on the line for you.”

“I have a hefty trust fund. I am more than capable of cutting you a check. Then we can go our separate ways.”

“Tsk. Tsk.” He shook his head. “It doesn’t work that way between us. You chose me. That means I’m not going anywhere.”

The intensity with which he stared at me made me feel stalked. Hunted.

“You don’t trust me. You don’t believe in my innocence. Why would you want to be with me?”

“Because I do.”

I cocked a hand on my hip. “Not a good enough answer. Have a good life, Damon.”

“Oh, you want a better reason. I’ll give you a much better reason.” He prowled toward me like a feral tiger slowly approaching his prey. “I claimed you. You belong to me, and I’m not letting you go.”

His words ignited a painful throbbing between my legs.

Instead of focusing on how my traitorous body reacted to his presence, I stated, “I choose not to belong to you.”

“Is that right?”

“Did I stutter?”

“Sophia, Sophia, Sophia. It’s too bad you didn’t read the fine print.” He moved within touching distance, and it took all my strength not to retreat.

“Why don’t you fill me in.”

“Once you sign on the dotted line, there is no backing out of the deal.” As he drew closer, a smirk touched the corners of his full mouth. “Are you scared of what I’ll do to you when I get my hands on you, Sophia?”

A pulse of arousal shot through me, making me want to smack myself for wanting him when he’d devastated my heart.
