Page 65 of Defy

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Then again, Eva was the epitome of elegance and sophistication.

“You are wonderful for my ego.” Eva kissed my cheek and then rubbed her stomach. “This kid of mine thinks there is unlimited space in there.”

“You are all belly. In other areas, no one would even know you are pregnant. I have your gown in the spare bedroom so we can make the last adjustments and leave some room just in case you get bigger.”

She sighed. “I will fall over if I get any bigger.”

“If you keep wearing three-inch heels you will.”

She pursed her lips, giving me the side eye. “I can guarantee that when you have children, you’ll strut around town in the latest fashions and heels until you deliver your kid.”

Just her mentioning the possibility of me having a baby made my stomach twist in knots.

My life was in so much turmoil, I could barely keep my head above water with all the messes I found myself wading through. And on top of everything, I wasn’t sure there was a future for Damon and me.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I focused on Eva and realized she caught my reaction to her statement.

Damn, Eva and her mother hen, eagle eyes. “Let’s table the pregnancy talk. All of the stress for the last few weeks can’t be easy on you. I want to know how you are doing?”

“As well as can be expected, living locked up in this ivory tower of mine.” I gestured to the area around me.

“What do you mean locked up?” The worry in Eva’s question had me tucking an arm in hers and guiding her toward the living room area.

“Don’t panic. I’m fine. According to the terms of my bail, Damon is responsible for me at all times, so he feels he has to be with me everywhere I go. It just gets annoying sometimes.”

A crease formed between her brows, but she kept whatever passed in her thoughts to herself and asked, “Where’s Damon right now?”

“At the gym. It connects to the penthouse so we can do our thing with the fitting while he gives us privacy.” We both sat on a sofa facing each other, and I handed Eva a glass of water from a tray I’d prepared before she arrived.

“And when you go to work, is he there too?” Then, a panicked expression crossed her face. “Are you still working?”

“I have a shoot tomorrow.” My words eased the tension on Eva’s face. “I’m not stopping no matter what anyone says.” A prickle of irritation crept up the back of my mind as I remembered the way Damon told me I had to reschedule my shoot because it was inconvenient to his work schedule.

Asshole wasn’t going to dictate my life.

He wanted to be with me at all times then he worked around me, not the other way around.

“Why is Damon telling you not to go to the shoot?”

“He has work commitments, and being at the shoot will cut into his day.”

Eva took my hand in hers. “You can come stay with me if this isn’t what you want. Lucian will back me up.”

“I’m fine, Eva. I promise. This relationship thing is new to both of us. We’re figuring it out.”

“This isn’t the first time he’s lived with a lover.” The intensity in her dark eyes told me all the things she didn’t say.

She’d researched Damon’s background or gotten the information from Lucian. She knew about Maria and bits and pieces of the rumors about him.

“I love him, Eva. And he loves me.”

“I don’t want him to hurt you and everything in me believes he’s going to break your heart.”

Her words felt as if she’d spoken an omen about my future.

“It’s a risk I have to take.”

That was when I saw Damon standing in the shadows of the hallway separating the living room and the front entrance. He held a duffel bag in one hand and his face and neck were covered in sweat.
