Page 8 of Defy

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“I never was on it. I held her hand while I convinced her to get off the damn bar.”

“Shit, Sophia. You need new friends.”

I sighed, “I know.”

“Why didn’t you go? I thought you liked all the parties.”

If he only knew how much I hated the parties.

“Keith was on the guest list and so I avoided any place that jackass was going to be at. It was a ticketed event, so I can prove I wasn’t at the party and there are text messages on my phone to back me up about what happened.”

“I believe you, Sophia.”

My throat burned as a small sense of relief washed over me. At least Lucian had faith in me.

“But,” he continued. “It gave the fucker who pinned this on you a way to frame you.”

“I don’t have any idea who hates me this much.”

“We will figure it out.”

“How did Dad and Mom react?” I regretted asking the question as soon as the words came out of my mouth. “Never mind, don’t answer.”

It shouldn’t matter. I shouldn’t care. The little girl in me shouldn’t still want the love and protection of my parents when she was scared.

“They are remarkably outraged by the whole situation. Dad more so than Mom.”

“Let’s be real.” I released a sigh. “Mom is more than likely losing her mind about how my arrest and possible future trial will ruin her standing in society. Then she’s probably driving Eva nuts with concerns about the drop in headcount for her wedding since guests may not want to associate themselves with the scandal.”

Pushing my irritation back, I asked. “Is there any hope of getting me home, or must I accept my fate?”

“You’ll handle it for as long as necessary. Is that clear? This isn’t long term.” The gruffness in Lucian’s tone had the back of my throat burning.

He was afraid for me. Lucian never gave away any of his emotions.

Oh God.

“You make it sound like this judge and prosecutor wants me moved to a state penitentiary instead of city or county.”

“That’s exactly their plan. They want to make an example of you to get back at our family. It’s personal to them.”

“I deal with the bitches on the catwalk. Those cunts will cut a girl’s face if she gets a job the other wanted and ruin her career. I can handle this.”

More pretending. I could do this. I could do this.

Maybe if I said it enough times to myself, I’d believe it.

“Exactly. I’ll keep working on my end. Don’t think I won’t stop.”

“I know you won’t. Will you call Damon and tell him what’s going on?”

“No one’s seen or heard from him since they arrested you, and he left the station.”

“Does he know about the situation with the bail?”

“I sent him an update, but no response. My best guess is that he has a plan in the works, and he’s keeping it close to the chest. Let’s hope it works. Fucker is secretive when he is getting things rolling.”

“What does that mean?”
