Page 82 of Defy

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Fat fucking chance.

I gestured to the empty chairs near me. “I’m not sure how much help I can provide you, considering my girlfriend is accused of murder based on personal vendettas and circumstantial evidence.”

Stuart narrowed his gaze. “I wouldn’t throw around allegations against the department without proof if I were you.”

“That’s right, making claims without evidence is the DA’s job. You’re only here to gain answers to questions of no consequence.”

He shifted as if to come toward me, but Hatch caught him by the shoulder and then spoke. “My partner and I would like to ask you a few clarifying questions, and then we will be out of your way.”

“Go right ahead.”

Hatch glanced at Stuart as if telling him to stay quiet.

They took their seats and I followed, carrying my chair behind my desk.

Hatch pulled out his phone and read something. “Before we begin, I’d like to know, where is Ms. Morelli? From all accounts, she is with you at all times.”

“Your accounts are wrong.”

In my mind’s eye, I could see Sophia sitting in her chair with a glamour squad around her as she prepared for whatever designer booked her to showcase their clothes.

From what Sophia could disclose about today’s booking, the shoot was very hush-hush. They insisted she sign a nondisclosure agreement and even sent a car to pick her up since the location was secret.

Every instinct in my body wanted to fight her about going to a place where I couldn’t find her. Who gave a damn about this famous designer and their magic collection of clothes. Sophia’s safety came first.

When I was about to cancel my plans for the day and attach myself to her ass, she walked over, informed me I could track her phone, and kissed my cheek.

The minx let me stew the whole time she prepared to leave.

“Then where is she?” Stuart asked with more of a demand in his tone than necessary.

There was not a chance in hell I would trust them with this information.

“I know where she is. That is all that matters based on the terms of her bail.”

As if seeing he wouldn’t get anywhere with me, Hatch decided to get to the reason for the interruption to my day. “We’re here today to ask you about an incident between you and the deceased Mr. Randolph.”

“I’m listening.”

“Is it true you had a physical altercation with him concerning a business matter?”

Who the fuck gave them this information?

“I’m confused. Am I a suspect once again in Randolph’s murder?”

“We are just clearing up some information from a few leads that have come to light.”

“I have never done business with a Randolph or ever plan to do business with any Randolph.”

“So you didn’t have an altercation with him?” Stuart jumped in.

This dick sure enjoyed playing the bad cop routine.

“Since I have an airtight alibi, any interaction I’ve had with the deceased is of no consequence.”

Stuart shifted forward again as if to intimidate me. “You didn’t answer the question.”

“No, I didn’t.”
