Page 87 of Defy

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I had no plans to touch her. All I needed was to keep her talking, and she’d never ever fucking hurt my woman again. Although she might find herself in a precious situation in lockup one day.

“Are you kidding me? I didn’t have to do anything. The self-centered idiot couldn’t imagine one of those hookers he underpaid and treated like shit would retaliate.” She shook her head. “Everything revolved around this fixation on Sophia Morelli. The jackass would get a paper cut and say Sophia cursed him for fucking and rejecting her. I doubt he ever touched her, and she was the one who rejected him.”

“Randolph’s obsession with Sophia gave you the person to direct suspicion while you plotted his murder. Am I correct?”

“The number of people who wanted that piece of shit dead is too long to count. During Fashion Week alone, Keith made more enemies than most humans do in a lifetime. All the cops had to do was a proper investigation, and they’d have no choice but to throw out the evidence they had against Sophia as circumstantial.”

Yeah, but the DA decided to pursue a personal vendetta.

“Except that wasn’t what happened.”

She shrugged. “Not my problem.”

“I’m going to make sure it is. You’re going to confess and give Sophia her freedom back.”

Henrietta laughed. “I’m not confessing to anything. At this point, it is your word against mine. And with your history with women, who would believe you over me anyway.”

“You don’t know anything about my personal life.”

“Your last girlfriend died under suspicious circumstances, and people believe you killed her.”

“That’s a narrative you’re spinning. Maria took her own life.”

“Her brother doesn’t believe it, and neither do half the members of that club you visit.”

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled. Stuart and Hatch got their information from her. All the rumors, all the bullshit. She was their source. But how the fuck did she get the information?

“What do you know about my club? You aren’t a member.”

“They call you a murderer and believe you killed your lover.”

“I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about me.”

“You will when the cops find your precious Sophia dead, too. It’s obvious to anyone who has seen you together that you’re extremely possessive of her. What would you do if you learned she wasn’t at a photoshoot but meeting a new lover?”

My blood chilled as I realized everything from this run-in with Henrietta to Sophia’s secret photoshoot was a setup.

Henrietta was creating an airtight case to protect herself.

She may have found me attractive, but she never truly wanted me. Every-fucking-thing was an act. And now Sophia was going to pay the price.

I was a curse to the only woman I had ever loved.

“I have a deal for you.”

“This isn’t a negotiation. I am protecting mine and Rico’s futures.”

“Nothing is protecting you from the recording I made on my phone of our conversation.” I pulled my cell out from my pants pocket and then pushed it back in. “I have your confession. I’ll erase it right before you and eliminate every trace of it on one condition.”

“That is?”

“You stop whatever is about to happen to Sophia.”

Chapter Seventeen


I exited the car outside a two-story brick office building near a loading dock and studied the exterior.
