Page 90 of Defy

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She shoved the barrel into my back and grabbed my forearm. “I’ll have enough to set me up for life so I don’t have to deal with the problems a rich girl like you has never had to endure.”

She really hated people who came from my background. I couldn’t blame her, even if I knew we weren’t all the same. Having money made life easier in many ways that I’d taken for granted. I never had to worry about bills or buying food or a place to live.

Working in the shelter opened my eyes to so many things.

“You have to know, Randolph is using you and your circumstances to get what he wants. He isn’t the honest type. If you aren’t careful, he will stab you in the back just like Keith did to the people around him.”

“It’s a fifty percent up-front and fifty upon delivery deal. The up-front payment alone is more than I can make in fifteen years.” Carla jerked me in the direction of a chair. “I have that money put away in a Swiss trust. I’m not a dumbass.”

She was if she thought I’d easily sit down for her to tie me up.

Fuck that shit.

I’d give it to her that she had more body mass and weight compared to me, and if she trained in any self-defense, she’d ring my clock. However, something told me that playing supervillain and training to be one wasn’t her regular MO.

“Don’t you think someone will notice if I disappear?”

“They will assume your very jealous and possessive lover did it. He has a history of murder allegations. Adding you to the list will make it easy.”

I jerked around to face her. “Are you out of your mind? Damon is at a new building project trying to get everything back on track since they are running behind schedule. Dozens of people are with him.”

“Wrong. His meetings are over, and now, his car is outside this building. Mr. Randolph had an acquaintance procure his vehicle and bring it here.”

“Why would you do that to an innocent man? He never did anything to you?”

“Better him than me. I did my research on him. He isn’t a sweet guy like you’re painting him. He has a reputation. Toxic men like him deserve what they get. Just like Keith.”

“Don’t you ever compare Damon to Keith. He is nothing like that man.”

“You keep believing that, but he will tie the bow on top of this endeavor, and I will get to live my life.”

Not if I had anything to do about it.

“Good luck with that life when Daddy Randolph finds out Henrietta poisoned his precious son, and you helped cover it up.”

Carla’s steps faltered. “You’re making that up.”

“Check that project timeline and everything on Henrietta’s schedule for the days leading up to Randolph’s murder and after. She’s the person he had dinner with when he died.”

She shook her head. “I don’t believe you. That’s a lie. I won’t let you ruin my future so you can trick me and try to save your life.”

Was she listening to herself? Of course, I’d use any means available to get out of this situation.

She pushed me again, and this time, I shoved back against her. “That schedule is a printout, meaning the original is on a server somewhere linked to a computer. Eventually, it will come out.”

“I don’t care. You’ll be dead, and I’ll have my money.” She jammed the gun barrel harder into my back and then kicked the back of my knee.

Mind-numbing pain ratcheted into my leg, and I screamed, tumbling forward. “Are you crazy? Just put a bullet in me and get it over with.”

“Are you that ready to die?” She grabbed my hair and dragged me forward.

This time, I pulled the scissors from my hoodie, literally shredding the material in the process.

I angled my body enough to move and jabbed the blade into Carla’s arm, forcing her to drop her gun.

She cried out and stumbled back as blood ran down her arms. I held onto the handle of the shears and faced her, gasping in breaths and trying to scan the room. I had to get out of here.

Spotting the pistol, I lunged for it at the same time Carla did and managed to knock it away, but not before she shoulder-checked me. I collided with a set of wooden cabinets, hitting my head against them and causing a bunch of boxes to fall off the top and onto me.
