Page 33 of Corrupted Seduction

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“You’re a doctor, right?” He raised his eyebrows at me. “Don’t people do that shit because they’re all about helping people?” He flashed me a sexy grin. Combined with the flare of heat in his eyes, it told me he was used to getting what he wanted using one power or another.

Perhaps it was time to get one thing straight.

“I’ve seen the way your men jump to your every command, and I have eyes,” I said, forcing my gaze to graze over him coldly. “I have no doubt women clamber all over each other to do your bidding. So, I’m sure you’re quite unaccustomed to a man who doesn’t obey you or a woman whose sole purpose for existing isn’t to please you. But your life and your problems are precisely that—yours. I learned a long time ago that sad stories don’t make people just jump to your aid.” Not even for a child. “Perhaps it’s time you learned that lesson as well.”

“How did you learn it?” he asked. There was no calculation in his eyes; it was a genuine question.

That threw me off; I hadn’t been expecting it.

“That’s none of your concern,” I told him, sitting up straighter, arranging my features in the same way I did for a med student who walked into the ER, thinking they were God’s gift to emergency medicine.

“You really are the Ice Queen, aren’t you?” he said, shaking his head.

My breath froze in my lungs. He couldn’t know that term unless he’d been stalking me, unless he’d been listening in the hospital’s halls.

He was looking at me, watching me. It felt like he was stripping me down, peeling off layer upon layer with his piercing gaze.

“Where did you hear that?” I asked.

“Raven Luca.”

A weight dropped like lead in my stomach.

“What did you do to her?” I snapped, my voice half-strangled in my throat.

He cocked an eyebrow at me. “How is that your problem?” he mocked. “Aren’t you all about looking out for number one?”

I looked away, silently cursing myself. He’d caught me. He’d walked me right into a trap, and I’d been none the wiser.

“If you hurt her because of me—”

“You’ll what? Refuse to help me?” he asked with a wry grin.

“If you hurt her because of me then you really are the monster I pegged you to be.”

He scoffed. “That’s interesting.”

Was it? I didn’t see how.

“You seem very concerned about Raven, but I was under the impression you had the utmost disregard for criminals?”

I nodded, but he was shaking his head, laughing. It felt like he was laughing at me.

“If that’s true, then your concern for Raven is seriously misplaced.”


“Raven Luca is about as steeped in the ‘criminal’ world as a person can get.”

“You’re mad.” The competent, unflappable nurse hardly struck me as a coldhearted criminal.

“Am I?” He shrugged dismissively. “I still prefer to think of myself as creatively misunderstood. As for Raven, what you might not know is that she’s the youngest child of the Luca family, cousin to the Lucianos. And fiancée to the don of the Costa family. All very powerful ‘criminals’.”

He could have been lying, but again, games seemed beneath this man. “Well, then I suppose that explains why she had no qualms in telling you all about me.”

“It seems there wasn’t much to tell,” he said. There was a speculative light in his eyes I didn’t like.

“I keep my professional and personal lives separate—not that it’s any of your concern either,” I said, forcing the words out past a lump that had suddenly formed at the back of my throat.
