Page 28 of Tangled Deceit

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The entire house has been scrubbed. There’s nothing here other than furniture and decorations that were likely staged for whatever twisted reason Titan had.

Our next stop is the second biggest hospital in Portland and the closest one to where they’d been holding Olivia. If I had to go somewhere that I wanted to be busy enough not to ask too many questions and would also be convenient, that’s where I would go. Considering this stranger who helped Olivia knows me, I’m hoping he also thinks like me.

Jaxon accompanies me inside the hospital, and together we approach the front desk of the ER center. A petite blonde staffs the desk, and Jaxon immediately turns on his charm.

“Well, hello there, beautiful,” he purrs. “How’s your day treating you?”

She blushes, and I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I’ll let him enjoy his moment as long as it helps us gather the information we need.

“It's been busier than usual, but I’m hanging in there.” Her smile is wide, and she leans slightly over the counter, resting her chin in her hand. Her gaze travels appreciatively over Jaxon. “I hope you’re not here because you're hurt.”

He moves closer to her and winks. “I’m made of steel. Nobody can hurt me.”

I kick his leg, needing him to get to the fucking point already.

“But our friend,” he says with a frown. “He isn’t as blessed as I am. In both looks and strength.”

Her brow raises as she continues to grin. “Well, isn’t that too bad for him.”

“It is because he ended up here a few nights ago and lost his lucky rabbit’s foot.”

Mother fucking hell.

Rabbit’s foot?This is the last time I let him take the lead on anything.

“Hmm, I haven’t seen anything like that laying around on my shifts, but I can go check the lost and found for you to see if someone turned it in,” she says with a purr, then licks her lips. “You can join me to help identify it. You know, in case there are multiple to choose from.”

“How about you just bring them all?” I say with a snarl that has her rearing back.

Jaxon shoves me out of the way, blocking me from view. “While I would love to, I should stay here and make sure this one stays out of trouble.”

Her tone loses its sauciness. “Probably a good idea.”

She gets up and goes through the door behind her. Before it’s even closed, Jaxon is running around the counter and sitting in her chair.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask, voice laced with irritation that I’m certain he can’t miss.

“Finding the name and address of the stab victims from the night Olivia escaped,” he answers without looking up at me. “Unless I fuck that receptionist in the back room, she isn’t going to break HIPAA laws. Not even for this handsome face.”

Jesus Christ. He astonishes me sometimes.

“And clearly, I can’t fuck her,” he adds, droning on about shit I don’t care about while he types. “Justine would have my balls cut off and bronzed. Shit, she might just for flirting with the woman. Those redheads, if you know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t,” I mutter. “Now, how the hell do you know what you’re doing?”

“The internet, Luc.” He rolls his eyes at me like he’s disappointed. “What did you think I was doing on my phone during our drive over here? I knew I needed to figure out the basics of the computer system they have here.”

Well, now I’m a little impressed, but there’s no time to tell him so, because another woman in scrubs walks through double doors on our left, and her narrowed eyes immediately land on us with suspicion. “Where’s Miranda?”

Jaxon winks as if he truly believes he can flirt himself out of this situation that’s bound to get the cops called on us. “She’s in the back looking for my friend’s rabbit’s foot. Sweet girl, that Miranda. I bet you’re a lot like her.”

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a phone. “Not even close. Don’t move.”

Before she can press more than a few buttons on her phone, I’m in her face, holding both of her arms firmly. “Listen to me carefully,” I glance at her name badge, “Carrie. I need to know who the stab victims were three nights ago, and I’m going to find out one way or another. No matter what measures I need to resort to. So, be a good nurse and move on to your next patient instead of making that phone call.”

Her chocolate eyes squint even further, and she lifts her chin. Though, I don’t miss the trembling in her body. “Do you have any idea the amount of threats I get on a nightly basis? You don’t scare me. Now, take your hands off me before I make you.”
