Page 30 of Tangled Deceit

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Don’t underestimate him, Little One.

Uncle B

I don’t know how the fuck this is possible, and as much as I want to believe this is good news, there’s something I don’t like about this situation. If I’m to believe this note, Bryson has been working for Titan since my father died.

In all those years, he would have had more than enough opportunities to kill the son of a bitch. Plus, who could be more important to save over his own family? And what mess could he still possibly have to fix after all these years? I don’t know the answers to any of my questions, but I’m damn well going to find out.



Idon’t manage to stay awake long enough to witness Luca's return home. Despite my best efforts, the combination of walking, heating pads, and pain meds lulled me into sleep. Now, I'm awake, and the empty space beside me triggers more panic than I care to admit.

Without thinking, I sit up in bed, searching the room for any sign that Luca even came back. My head doesn’t swim like it did yesterday, but there are still spots in my vision from the quick movement, so I pause and briefly close my eyes.

Once I feel more stable, I scan the room and notice his pants from the day before hanging out of the laundry chute in the bathroom. Well, at least he came home.

I slide slowly off the bed, careful to keep a hold on the comforter so that I don’t easily fall over. While my muscles still ache, the soreness has lessened. Maybe Justine going on and on about heat therapy wasn’t as crazy as she sounded.

With caution, I make my way out of the bedroom in time to see Luca walking through the front door, holding a silver tray of food.

The smile he sends my way nearly puts me on my ass, and I have to grab the couch to keep myself upright.

He sets the tray on the coffee table, which has been restored to its rightful place now that the medical equipment is gone. He's by my side in an instant. “Are you okay? You shouldn’t be out of bed.”

“How would you know?” I ask teasingly. “You sent the doctor away.”

“And I can bring him back just as quickly,” he grumbles in my ear before grabbing my chin and pressing his lips to mine.

I gasp from the unexpected contact. Kissing him is like feeling the warm sun on my skin, heating my soul. Damn, if I don’t need more.

My fingers grab on to his shirt and hold him close. “I thought you were gone.”

“You’ve been asleep for over twelve hours,” he says, then nods toward the food. “I was just getting breakfast so I could wake you up with something other than bad news.”

An emotional lump forms in my throat, and tears threaten my eyes. “Tori? She’s not…”

“No,” he says quickly. “At least, not according to the information we have. But I still don’t have her back.”

I release the pent-up breath and move to sit on the new black leather couch. According to Justine, the other was ruined by Luca’s blood.

“But you will,” I finally reply, though I'm not sure if those words are more for me or him.

“We know where she is, so yes, it’s likely we will.” He speaks the words so casually that I almost don’t register that he’s said he knows where she is.

“Wait a second.” I turn my head toward him, my glare sharp. “If you know where she is, why hasn't she been rescued from Titan?”

“Because it’s not safe,” he retorts, his tone matching my intensity. “I could go in shooting everyone in my way, but that’s the fastest way to get her killed. Right now, she’s safe.”

“What does that even mean?” It’s not my intention to be angry with him, but I know that’s the way it’s coming out, especially when he’s acting as if this isn’t a huge deal. Just yesterday, I could have sworn that his fury matched my own. Not that I assume Luca gives a shit about Tori, but he at least seems to care enough about me to want her alive.

He bends to a knee in front of me, grabbing both of my cheeks until he has my full attention. “Listen to me, Raven. I know I didn’t say this yesterday when we got the news. Though, I assumed it was implied. I promise to do everything in my power to get your friend back, but you need to trust me. Can you do that?”

I exhale harshly. “Of course.”

“Good.” His hands move from my face to my thighs, lightly squeezing them both. “Now, eat your breakfast so I can have mine.”

I blink several times, my brain again not processing his words. At least, not as fast as the rest of my body does. My breath comes in soft pants, and there’s an ache between my legs that I haven’t felt in days.
