Page 40 of Tangled Deceit

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Given how possessive he’s shown me he can be, I’m a little surprised the painting isn’t hidden behind something. Though, I also love that it’s out for anyone to see. As if he’s proud of the creation he made using my body as his paintbrush.

“The only person who might risk commenting on it would be Jaxon,” he says with his own grin. “I have that effect on people.”

“Not all people,” I counter, rising to my feet and setting the new painting on his desk before placing my palms on his chest.

His forehead presses against mine as he moves closer. “Yes, you seem to be immune to the fear I typically instill in others.”

“If you only knew how truly afraid I was of you in those first few days,” I reply, my voice soft.

“Afraid?” Both of his brows raise. “You made a wall of pillows on my bed. I had the impression you were more revolted by me than anything else.”

“We both know that’s not true.” I chuckle, curling my fingers around the edges of his opened suitcoat. “Stupidly, I wanted you the moment we were alone in that SUV.”

He presses his lips to mine in a quick kiss. “I don’t think there’s anythingstupidabout that.”

“Of course, you wouldn’t.” My head shakes, and I move to kiss him again, but he reaches for the painting I’ve left turned over on his desk.

“What’s this?” he asks, running his hand lightly over the dried acrylic.

I glance down at the violets. “I was going to give it to you, but seeing as you already have a painting in here, maybe I’ll bring it back to the apartment.”

He snatches the art and moves away from me to place it behind his desk. “Or I’ll keep it and have it framed to hang next to the other.”

That works for me and makes my chest expand with a warmth I haven’t felt in…maybe ever. None of my past relationships have made me feel as Luca does. From the moment I met him, there’s been this exhilaration inside me just by being in his presence.

Even through the initial fear, there was an underlying draw and curiosity that I couldn’t ignore, nor did I want to. His commanding presence drew me in, a part of me wondering what it would feel like to be commanded by him.

For so long, I’ve had to be responsible for not only my own life, but for checking in on my mother, making sure she wasn’t too lonely, working my ass off to survive living on my own, trying to make my dream of running my own business come true.

Not having to take care of all the things makes me grateful to Luca for taking care of my needs, even when I initially was upset with him for doing so. Understanding myself better now, I was merely afraid that by him paying my debts I would owe him more than I could repay.

Except that’s not who Luca is. He does things because he wants to. Not because of what he might gain from doing them. I’m sure that’s not the case with all of his business transactions, but I’m confident that’s the truth here.

As soon as he sets the painting down, he goes to the door and closes it before turning back to me. “How are you feeling today?”

I’m sore as shit, but I can’t tell him that. Not because I’m worried about what he will say, but because I don’t want him to deny me for the sake of my healing.

“Better than yesterday,” I say, which isn’t too far from the truth after covering myself in that miracle cream Justine gave me. Between the lidocaine in that stuff and the anti-inflammatories from the doc, my recovery is going far better than I imagined, but not quite as fast as I hoped.

Well, so long as I’m careful with my rib.

Luca closes the distance between us, and there’s a rumble in his chest as he says, “Good. I’ve been dying to bend you over my desk for weeks.”

His fingers are already undoing the button on my jeans, and I eagerly kick off my shoes, all thoughts of bodily pain completely forgotten. When he starts to jerk my pants down, I take over for him so he can undress himself, but he doesn’t bother taking off his slacks.

By the time I’m naked from the waist down, his pants are at his thighs and his hard cock is out. I reach to stroke him, but he turns me around, bends me over the desk, and smacks my ass hard enough that I’m certain there’ll be an imprint there later. I take in a gasp and struggle to breathe.

Every part of my body aches from the action, but when he rubs his palm over the sore spot, all I can focus on is his touch and the way my pussy clenches in anticipation of him filling me.

In my next breath, his fingers rub over my clit, ensuring I’m ready, and before I can even gasp from the pleasure of his touch, his dick is thrusting inside me. He pushes down on my back with one hand, pressing me further onto his desk until I’m covering the papers left out.

My palms go flat over the hard surface as my legs spread wider, welcoming Luca’s hand as he reaches around the front of me, his fingers putting pressure on my clit as he pounds into me.

“I want the whole house to hear you scream and know that you’re mine, Raven.” His murmured words have me trembling, barely able to keep standing and ready to explode from the inside out.

I take every thrust he gives with fervor and cry out his name as my orgasm draws closer. It’s not going to take long today, and I’m sure the rest of my body will be thankful for that later.

The echoing slap from his hard thrusts fills the room alongside my moans, and I have to rest my head against the desk before I collapse in his arms. Even in my weakened state, he doesn’t relent.
