Page 56 of Tangled Deceit

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“It’s easy to lose myself with him,” I say. “There’s something satisfying about knowing how much he wants to take care of me and allowing him to command me… It’s the opposite of controlling, even though it may not sound like it. Luca makes me feel freer than I have in, well, maybe ever.”

Her arms reach for me, and she pulls me into a hug as she bursts into tears. “Oh, Liv. I’m so sorry.”

I hold her tight and shake my head. “It’s okay. Everything is going to work out. I promise.”

She shudders against me, then pulls back, wiping at her cheeks. “I hope you’re right.”

She and I, both.

“Are you going to be okay here?” I ask, knowing that if I’m going to find Luca in time to join them, I need to go soon.

She laughs nervously. “Am I allowed to even be in this apartment when you get back?”

I forgot about finding her a room, but that doesn’t matter now. Everything’s changed, and I’m not kicking her out just yet.

I wink as I say, “I promise to try not to fuck Luca with you sleeping on the couch.”

Her hand shoves at my shoulder. “You’re terrible.”

I shrug and grin. “Maybe, but you’re the one who’s stuck with me all these years. Yes, I’ve changed since I’ve been here, but a part of me has always been this way. Remember that and consider why you’ve never left my side.”

With one more hug, I get up and prepare to leave. It’s time to find my father and make sure he can never come back into my life again.



Learning that Titan doesn’t want to kill me but wants to take everything from my grasp, all because my father left the family business to me and not him… I want to say I’m surprised, but not even close.

The more important thing is that everything makes sense now. Why he tried to get close to me and then backed off and has now conveniently been in places he shouldn’t.

That all ends tonight, though. I’m done with his games. If he wanted what I had, he should have just taken it like a man instead of playing these games. Now, he’s going to die an excruciating death, courtesy of the one person he wishes to destroy.

Olivia has called several times, but between moving Bryson so that Titan didn’t kill him for speaking with me and making a plan of attack, I haven’t had a moment to explain to her what’s been going on. Instead, I allowed Justine to give her enough details, and knowing my Raven, she’s going to be ready to join me.

As much as I don’t want her connected to any of this, I know that if I want to keep her in my life, I can’t do what I do and tell her she’s not allowed to do the same.

Though, watching her own father die, no matter how big of a piece of shit he is, is something else entirely. I need to make sure that she’s prepared for the mental mindfuck that will have on her. Yet, I think back to the first day I met her. The strength and resolve in her eyes and the way she handled being held captive. From entering that cell and being confined to my room, she’s taken everything in stride.

I won’t make the mistake of underestimating her. Not when I know in doing so, I could lose her.

She’s made it very clear that she’s to be there with me when I go after Titan the final time. So, no matter what I think, all I can do is tell her what to expect and ask if she’s ready to face the reality of what she’s asked for.

While I’m headed back to the compound to do just that, Damon and Markus are scouting out Titan’s safe house. We only destroyed a third of it, so if he’s hoping to bait me into any other incriminating situations, his best move would be to stay put, and I’m counting on it.

What he doesn’t know, or is too cocky to consider, is that when a cop can be bought by someone, another can swoop in and up the ante. Which is what Jaxon and I have been doing since leaving Bryson in a safe house.

All of those cops Titan thought he had in his pocket have been paid triple to stand by and do nothing when they receive the call from him. Not only are they being paid triple, but I’ve told them I won’t force their hand on anything else in the future, leaving them free to do their job with honor.

While I enjoy having my spies on the inside, I don’t consider holding people hostage with their livelihoods a good business practice. Now, that’s not to say I won’t keep those on payroll that prefer to do dirtier business. That’s something my family has done since the start.

Jaxon pulls into the compound, and I text Olivia to let her know that I’m coming up. She should be ready to go if she’s as eager to do this as I’ve been led to believe. Her response is immediate.

My Raven: About damn time.

I smirk at her attitude. From the first meeting, she’s never been afraid to speak her piece, always letting me know when she’s displeased with something. With anyone else, I would have likely already put a bullet through their skull. With Olivia, it only serves to endear me.

Jaxon waits for me to walk with him toward the elevator. “Are you ready for this?”
