Page 67 of Tangled Deceit

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Instead, my sights are on Titan. The man whose DNA runs through me, who I used to look up to as a little girl, begged to push me higher on our swing set in the backyard, and hoped I could be as strong as when I grew up.

So much admiration that I used to hold for him. Admiration that turned to pain when he disappeared, and I was left without a father. Now, it’s a resolve mixed with the drive to no longer have to worry about ever seeing his face again. I need to know that he’ll never hurt me or anyone else again because he no longer exists in the world.

A strong desire for him to just be gone encompasses my whole being.

“Are you sure, Raven?” Luca asks quietly. “Really sure?”

He must see the intent in my gaze as I step forward. “He’s mine.”

Even though I’ve never killed anyone, there isn’t a part of me that’s afraid of what I’m about to do. This is why I knew I needed to be here. Deep down, it wasn’t just about me watching Titan die; I wanted to be the one to take his life. A payment for all the pain he caused me and my mother, then and now.

Titan presses himself against the wall behind him, his sneer on me. “You won’t kill your own father. I raised you better than that.”

I chuckle darkly. “You didn’t raise me. Mom did, and she taught me to always be responsible for my own problems.” I point the knife at his face. “This is me making her proud.”

He moves to strike me, but Luca catches his fist before any contact can be made. I open my mouth to stop Luca from taking over the situation, but he surprises me when all he does is pin Titan’s arms behind his back.

Titan struggles against Luca’s hold, face turning red with indignation as if he can’t believe his years of scheming have come down to this moment, facing his own daughter who wishes for nothing more than his death. Though, a little torture inflicted upon him might make things more interesting.

At least, that’s what I hope until he starts to speak again.

“Your whore of a mother wouldn’t be pro—” Whatever idiocy he’s about to say is cut off when I slice the knife across his throat. It’s brutal and intimate—up close and personal and done without a second thought or regret.

A fitting ending that has me smiling as he gurgles, blood oozing from his throat and coloring his pristine suit with crimson.

Luca releases him, and he drops to his knees, kneeling at my feet and staring up at me with shock. His fingers move to cover the wound, but it’s too late. Titan won’t survive this, and I watch gleefully every second as the life fades from his eyes.

“You should have stayed dead,” is all I have left to say to him before he falls onto his side, the final twitches of death moving through him.

Luca is at my side in the next second, but the frown on his face is the last thing I expect. He isn’t saying anything. He’s just looking at me, searching my face for something I’m not sure he’ll ever find there again.

He told me before that my innocence drew him to me, that there was a light inside me that called to him unlike anything ever had before.

Does he not see me as someone worthy any longer now that I’ve killed my own father? If so, do I care?

Not even a second after the thought enters my mind, I know I don’t. I’m not ashamed of who I’ve become since meeting Luca. The strength I’ve acquired and the fight for survival…all of it has brought me to this moment, and this isn’t anything I have to regret.

“If you can’t—” I start to tell him that if he can’t handle what I’ve done, then he can fuck right off, but he kisses the words away, holding my cheeks almost painfully tight.

I kiss him back, ignoring the blood dripping from various parts of both our bodies and reveling in the fact that the worst is over. We won. Titan can’t ever hurt us or anyone we care about again.

Luca slows the kiss down and pulls back just far enough to look into my eyes. “You’re more than I could have ever dreamed of. The other half of me that I didn’t know was missing until I met you, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you how fucking worthy of love you are.”

Covered in blood, surrounded by three dead bodies, and this man basically tells me he loves me for the first time. All I can do is smile and lightly laugh, because this is my life now and I don’t think I could be any happier about that.

“I’m glad to know romance isn’t dead, even in the mafia,” I joke, pushing up onto my toes to kiss him again.

Before I can, he smirks. “Just those guys,” he says, making me laugh even harder. Fuck, if I don’t want him to take me right here, amongst all the chaos.

Though, instead of furthering our kiss, he pulls back and looks my body over. “We need to get you taken care of.”

As the adrenaline wears off and the aches within my barely healed body start to surface, I know he’s not wrong. Plus, I’m sure there is only so much time we can spend here without the cops finally needing to show up. I can ravage him later, when we’re home and properly celebrating.

I slip my hand into his and nod. “Let’s go home.”

“Nothing has ever sounded more perfect.”

