Page 69 of Tangled Deceit

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Theo has a stretcher with supplies on it, and I don’t get to the other side fast enough to help them move her. She’s on the stretcher, and I reach for her hand, squeezing her cold fingers. “Fight, Raven.”

She’s done so for weeks. I know she can for one more night. After tonight, she can rest all she needs. Nobody will ever hurt her again. I just need her to fight a little longer.

Markus pushes her into the elevator while Theo checks over her wounds. “She was stabbed and cut several times.” He looks closer at her upper arm. “Well, this one might be from a bullet.”

“No fucking shit,” I sneer, then take a deep breath. “Anything vital?”

“Not that I can see, but the blood loss is a problem,” he answers, prepping her for an IV as soon as we’re still, waiting on the elevator to take us upstairs. “It’ll be a bit before I can tell you anything more than that.”

I want to scream into the sky. This can’t be real. We just won. She was smiling and even laughing. What in the fuck is actually happening right now?

The doors open, and I stand aside, too pent-up to move, but when I hear Tori’s screech from inside the apartment, something in me snaps.

I rush into the living room and glare at her. One look is all it takes to have her backing up.

“What can I do?” I ask Theo as he begins to stitch Olivia up and the drip for more blood starts, replacing the blood she’s still losing.

“Hold this.” He hands me tape, then begins stitching her wounds with a needle. He places gauze over the first cut. “Tape.”

I rip two pieces, watching helplessly as he quickly moves on to the next injury.

She starts to groan, and he takes the tape from me. “If you can get her to wake up, that’s good.”

Without needing to be told twice, I’m standing next to her head and stroking her face. “Raven? Can you hear me?”

She opens her mouth, but no words come out.

“You don’t have to speak,” I say. “Just open those beautiful blue eyes.”

Her head falls to the side, but I grab her cheeks. “Olivia, listen to me. You need to stay awake. You need to fight. I can’t…”

I let the words trail off, because losing her now, after everything we’ve been through together since meeting, isn’t fucking possible. I refuse to believe it’s even an option. She’s going to be okay. Whatever is going on inside her body, she’s going to fight to live like she’s done so many times before.

“Please,” I beg her quietly, watching her face for any further signs of movement.

Just when I’m about to release her, her eyelids flutter and I call out her name again. She blinks several times before her eyes stay open, and I want to weep with relief.

“Thank fuck,” I murmur, pressing my lips lightly to her forehead. “Stay with me, Raven.”

She mumbles something I can’t understand, but she isn’t moaning in pain or closing her eyes, so I continue to speak to her.

“We’re back at the apartment,” I say. “Theo is working on you. Probably the only other man on Earth that’s allowed to touch you without fear of losing his hands.” I chuckle at myself, feeling the need to keep things light for her sake. “Markus and Damon are back, too. Jaxon is still getting men out of the house, or he’s on his way back. I’m not sure—”

“Olivia!” Justine’s voice screeches through the apartment, and I cut a glare at her.

“Be fucking quiet.”

She covers her mouth and nods, then joins Olivia at her other side. I catch Tori out of the corner of my eye and sigh. Olivia probably wouldn’t mind seeing her, either, much to my dismay.

As soon as I gesture with my head for Tori to join Justine, she does, tears tracking down her cheeks as she quietly sobs, covering her mouth with one hand.

“She’s going to be okay,” I say out loud. Though, I’m not sure whose benefit the words are for.

The three of us hover around her while Theo finishes stitching her up and then increases the flow of her transfusion. He removes his bloody gloves and gives her another onceover.

“She should be okay,” he says. “Even if she isn’t talking yet, the fact that she’s remaining moderately conscious leaves me optimistic. I’ll give her some meds for the pain, which will dull the shock of everything, and she should be more talkative.”

I grip his forearm, dirtying his white dress shirt. “Thank you, Theo.”
