Page 59 of Hate Me Like You Do

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So of course he does.

“Then I fucked her till she couldn’t speak anymore.”

Knox becomes a blur. Landon and Reed are so close on his trail my neck aches as I snap it to the side to follow their movement. The crowd that had cheered behind Damon scatters quickly in the wake of Knox Reyes.

Damon stumbles, his head flinging backwards from the rough uppercut that collides with his chin. It’s three against one and it’s blood and shouts in a tornado of cascading fists.

My breath hitches, caught in my throat, a ball of anxiety tightening in my chest. I stand wanting to help, wanting to stop it, perhaps even go back in time and even avoid this all. My head pounds, a dizziness swaying me, as droplets of blood splatter on the table next to me.

As I trip against my chair it topples over but I push it behind me just to get away. I just need some air. A second to get myself together and away from the testosterone and bloody violence. Another moment to cool myself down. Something else builds in me, settling deep in my core, when the three of them stood up for me.

It’s unnerving yet exciting and shocking. It’s... fucking sexy.

I don’t want to see them like that anymore. They call it a crush for a reason, I suppose, because right now I feel like my insides are being crushed. The weight of their awful tormenting actions mixing with the uncontrollable attraction I have toward them. It’s just too much.

Finding the back patio thankfully empty, I press my palms into the hot concrete railing that overlooks the back parking lot. My heartbeat finally calms. I stand with my face turned up to the sun, the minutes passing by. A bell rings and students shuffle from lunch inside. I can hear their footfalls but I don’t bother to join them.

I can’t look at them. I’m so fucking tired of looking at them all.

When the noise dies down and another bell rings, telling me everyone is in their classes, I feel someone beside me. I opened my eyes, righting my posture, to find Knox standing next to me, staring straight ahead.

“I hope you don’t expect a thank you.” The words are breathier than I intend.

Knox stands so close I can feel the heat from his body against my arm. I can smell an iron tang of fresh blood on him as if it’s his cologne.

Maybe he always smells like that.

Finally, and slowly, oh so slowly his attention meets mine. His deep gaze still shines with anger and adrenaline. His caramel brown eyes trace over my body, the tip of his tongue running out over his bottom lip as if he could taste me.

“I’d expect a ‘fuck you’ before I ever imagine you saying thanks.”

There isn’t time for me to process his words or even that he spoke at all. Not when his lips meet mine, eager and wanting. That feeling that settles in my core grows and trails down within me.

His hands are rough and unforgiving as he presses me closer to him against the concrete railing. One hand is firm against my neck, the other tangling in my hair.

Every ounce of unfinished bitterness leaves me in the long trails of scratches from my nails racking over his skin. His back, his biceps, his neck.


This is the moment I wanted all summer and all the feelings come crashing through me, releasing in small gasps when he breaks away.

The course skin of his thumbs dabble at my hips before he takes what he wants and tugs my panties down from beneath my navy pleated skirt.

Knox breaks away long enough to give me a questioning glance. The small unspoken moment like he’s asking me to fuck him.

It’s the strangest thing that I never expected.

I hate that it makes me want to like him even more.

Fuck him.


I pull him back against me, my mouth slamming to his.

Just once in this school year I want to enjoy something… and I’m entirely enjoying every hard plane of Knox that touches my skin.

Kisses trail along my neck, his lips stopping to nip against my collar bone until I feel that sensation right between my thighs. All of this happens as his belt buckle is being loosened and I hear the quick unzip of his pants.
