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“Open the door baby,” Marco instructs as he stops at the last room in the hall.

“Are you going to tell me what you’re doing?” I mutter, but I do it opening the door. See? My brain is completely devoid of commonsense when I’m around him.

When the door opens, it’s pretty evident that this is Marco’s room. It looks exactly like mine. When I say that, I mean it’s a mirror image—right down to the same bed linens and curtains. I don’t know what I expected, but after being in Melina’s room, I guess I thought it would have personal touches. It doesn’t.

“I’m bringing you to my bed. Where I should have from the beginning,” he grumbles as he lowers me so that I can stand on my own.

“Why bother?” I ask.

“Because you are my fiancée and my woman. Plus, I want you in my bed. I would have thought that was pretty evident.”

“I meant, why bother switching rooms. The one I am staying in is exactly like this.”

“No, it’s not. My clothes are in this one. I’ll have one of the house staff move yours here tomorrow.”

It takes a little effort, but with his words, I come out of my stupor.

“You want my clothes in here?”

“We’re engaged, Helena and we’re going to be married. As soon as I get this damn house sorted, I’m whisking you away. We can go anywhere you want. Melina, my brothers, and Antonio can meet us, and we’ll get married and then you and I will enjoy a very long, very private honeymoon.”

“I… Um…” God, I hate the way he turns me into a blithering idiot.

“Helena, if you want me to give you more, then you need to do the same with me.”

“Marco, I’m not ready to sleep with you.”

“We don’t have to have sex yet, I’m a patient man—”

“You’re about as patient as you are happy-go-lucky.”

“Happy-go-lucky?” he repeats.

“Exactly. As in, you aren’t that at all. You do not have a sunny disposition, Marco. You have a permanently put-out disposition.”

I watch as his lips twitch, definitely trying to fight a smile. I would enjoy that show if I wasn’t panicking wondering if Marco seriously thought I would sleep with him, despite the fact we haven’t so much as kissed in over two years—last night and this morning don’t count. I don’t know why they don’t, I just know they don’t—they can’t.

“That’s not me, baby.”

“It is, baby,” I insist.

“Okay, it is who I am when I’m around others and I have work breathing down my neck. It’s not who I am when I am alone and it’s just the two of us. We haven’t had enough time to experience how we are together. We will and that starts now. You want more, Princess? I’m giving you more.”

“I’m starting to regret telling you that.”

“Too late.”

“I’m seeing that,” I complain with a sigh.

“Get ready for bed, Ena. Use one of my shirts to sleep in, but no panties.”


“I mean it. You will never wear panties in our bed. I will agree not to fuck you until you’re ready, but I won’t give on this.”

“Fine, then you have to be in our bed without a shirt.”

“Not happening.”

“Let me get this right,” I huff. “You expect me to come to bed not wearing underwear, but you won’t even go without a freaking shirt? How is that giving more, Marco?”

“I’m letting you in my life. I’m giving you more. You’ll get what you want later. I don’t know how much later, but you will get it.”

I stare at him and curl my hands into a fist. Then, I growl. “Fine!” I march into his bathroom without a backwards glance, but I do it hearing his laughter.

His laughter.

God, I’m in over my head…

Chapter 16


I manage to stifle my laughter about the time my fiancée slams the door with what sounds like her calling me an idiot from behind it. I have been moving too slow with her. Hell, I’ve been so used to having to push her away to keep her safe, I’m still doing it subconsciously. That has to stop. Besides, I need her close. I missed the fuck out of her today. Things feel more vibrant and alive when she’s nearby. No, that’s wrong. I’m more alive when she’s with me. I’ve been half dead inside for so long that the change when she’s close is spectacular. I knew she would be hurt today because I left her alone all day. She didn’t lay into me, but I saw the pain in her eyes. I didn’t want to. Things really are precarious here. There are bastards out there trying to test the waters, thinking my hold on the city is weak now that my father is dead. They have no idea that I’m the reason the Stratakis hold is as strong as it is right now. That doesn’t mean I’m not having issues. Today’s issue involved making a visit to a street thug named Leno who thought he and his men could sell their smack on my streets. Sebastian, Elias, and I got out some frustration, that was the only good part about the day. I left Gio here at the house to keep an eye on Helena. I didn’t realize teaching Leno a lesson would take so long, and I missed dinner with her. I should have made the bastard bleed more.
