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“How do you know?” Lorelei asks me.

“She told me.” I smile at them all and then look back down at little Katie. “We’re already good friends.”

It’s been a wonderful year for my family. This may be the first baby, but it certainly won’t be the last. Breena doesn’t know it yet, but she has a little one already sleeping peacefully in her womb, and even Lorelei will have a surprise soon.

I always told that girl to never say never.

Watching how my coven has come together to help all the townspeople of Hallows End this year has been wonderful. They’re giving history lessons, teaching them about money, and showing them how to live in modern-day society. There have been births there, too, and some deaths.

Ones that should have happened long ago.

Finally, after centuries, everything is as it should be. There’s no more danger. No more curse, and when the townspeople of Hallows End are ready, they’ll merge into Salem to live out the rest of their lives.

What started with two little girls crying wolf in 1692 has finally come to an end.

“Can you hold her?” Lucy asks, nodding to the baby.

“No, but I can hold you.” I scoot onto the side of the bed and pull my baby into my arms. It always diminishes my energy a little to touch her like this, but there are moments when we both need it.

Breena passes the baby back to Lucy, and we all sit, all of us women linked together. My sisters stand nearby, and Breena and Lorelei are at the end of the bed. We are the daughters of daughters.

“I love you,” I whisper into Lucy’s hair and look around at the rest of my family. “Oh, how I love you all.”
