Page 151 of Ruthless Knight

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And clarity. There’s no competition with Giselle because she was Knight’s soulmate.

I'm not.



All the sculptures are gone now—The Giselle Collection, and the others.

They left yesterday and are enroute to Marseilles.

I’m not sure if they were scheduled to leave so soon, but after what happened last week with Chelle in the workshop, I think Knight wanted them to depart sooner rather than later.

That workspace is clear now, as if he’s going to start something new, but to me, the ghost of each sculpture of Giselle still haunts the place.

Her presence is still there, along with Chelle's haunting words of not being able to compete with Knight's dead girlfriend.

Worrying about things you can’t control has never helped anybody. I know that all too well, especially when it comes to Knight and me, but I can’t shake the sadness of our upcoming end from my heart.

It makes me want to pull back, fall back, and protect my heart from the grief of what I know will break me, but I know I can’t do that either.

I just have to go with the motions like I’m trapped in a losing game.

We're supposed to be going out for dinner tonight. Knight is meeting me in an hour, but I’m not in the mood to do anything.

I’ve been working late at Sunset Cove every night this week, and I’m here again tonight trying to get all the bookings arranged for the next few weeks.

This month has been particularly busy because of the time of year, but the resort has also garnered more attention because of the renovations, and the forties theme people are now talking about.

I’m sure Mom is smiling somewhere in heaven to see how much people are raving about her ideas. Knowing her, she probably threw a party with the rest of the angels.

Everything is pretty much done now. By the end of the month, the interior design will be completed, then all that will be left is the structural work on some of the buildings outside and the grounds.

I just hope I don’t wither away by then.

I’m exhausted, and quite honestly, I just want to go home and sleep. I don’t know if I have the strength to stay out late.

But when have I ever said no to Knight?

I won’t start now, knowing this could be one of the last few times we do this in the months to come.

Stifling a yawn, I down the rest of my espresso and focus on the spreadsheet I have open on my computer screen.

I get lost in my work until I feel a presence at the door. When I lift my head and find Nathan standing there watching me, I gasp, stifling a scream.

He looks absolutely terrible, and I have to admit I’m uncomfortable for seeing him.

Dad hasn’t mentioned him in months, and I haven’t seen him either, so why is he here again?

And at this time?

“Hi, Nathan,” I greet him with care.

"Hello, beautiful." He walks in and closes the door behind him.

I always keep that door open, so it makes my skin crawl that he's just closed it on me, locking me in here with him.

“I’m really busy at the moment, Nathan. Now isn’t a good time.” I look him over, assessing the sway in his next step when he moves even closer.
