Page 168 of Ruthless Knight

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Now I don’t know what’s worse, hearing from him or knowing he’s stopped and is probably in the process of moving on with one of his many admiring fans.

Both prospects have shoved me into a state of confliction that I don’t know how to handle.

The other night, Dad told me Knight took care of Bastian, so we don’t have to worry about him anymore. That should have been good news considering the gravity of the destructive information Bastian was in possession of, but I couldn’t see past Knight’s part in this mess. I couldn’t stop thinking that if he hadn’t unearthed secrets that could get Dad in serious trouble, we wouldn’t need to worry about Bastian.

I’m fully aware the saidmesswas created by my father, and I haven’t excused his guilt, but at least I understand his actions were driven from Mom’s death.

Knight isn’t the same.

Everything he did was borne out of selfishness.

That’s why I’m so deeply hurt.

I can’t even cushion the blow with all the good things he did for me, like sorting out my Rachel problem.

There would have been several points during our relationship when he would have felt he should come clean, but he didn’t.

I understand that he wanted the empire because of the awful feud with his father and Bastian, and I understand the devastation he must have suffered after losing Giselle so tragically.

I still care enough about him to consider that his life couldn’t have been easy to go through so much.

But what about me?

Everything he did was just so ruthless and cold hearted there was never any regard for me, or how I might feel after losing everything.

If Bastian hadn’t told me what was going on, I would never know. Or rather, I’d find out about Sunset Cove once the place was sold. Then what?

I hate that Knight did so much shit to me, and I truly hate the position he put Dad and me in. I hate that he ruined the beautiful relationship he and I had.

But what I hate the most of all is the fact that I can’t seem to hatehim.

My heart won’t turn away from him the way it did when I found out about Scott’s treachery. The moment the news hit me that Scott was married with kids, and I was just his side piece, I hated him straight away.

Knight has done so much more to me and my father.

This should be easier.

So, why can’t I hate him?

Every time I try to, I keep hearing him say those words that hooked me.

I want always with you.

Like some magical spell, those words captured my heart and fused him to my soul. I wouldn’t know where to begin unraveling Knight Grayson from my being.

My door creaks open, and Madison walks in, pulling me from my thoughts.

I roll my head to the side to acknowledge her. She offers me the same look of sympathy I’ve seen so many times before that if I went blind, I’d still be able to see it.

She knows everything that’s happened, and this moment could be a déjà vu of several others over the last decade when my best friend came to my rescue.

“Hey there, how are you feeling?” She walks toward me, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor.

“The same.” My lips barely move as I speak.

Although Madison is wearing a beautiful blue cocktail dress, she gets down on the floor next to me, leaning against the wall too.

Now that she’s here, I vaguely remember her saying she had a date with Chad. I wasn’t expecting to see her tonight in any event, but like the dutiful friend, here she is.
