Page 43 of Ruthless Knight

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All Greek names. No surprise there. “How fitting. Although, I half expected at least one of them to be called Cerberus.”

Knight clenches his jaw, clearly unimpressed. “So, you think I’m Hades?”

I straighten. “Aren’t you? When last I checked, you stole me away from my fiancé and forced me to sign a contract to marry you.”

“Nathan Gilmar wasn’t your fiancé.” His voice is firm, but there’s a hint of something I can’t quite describe. It sounds like it could be possession.

“That changes nothing. You still acted like a hell god.”

His lips twitch. “Perhaps. Except, Hades was in love with Persephone. Just because I know what you taste like, doesn’t mean I’m your Hades.”

The molten heat in his eyes and words sparks the memory of the night he tasted me. A sudden flush of desire shoots to my core. It feels like lava inside my skin.

I school my mind and stare back at him with all the disgust in the world. But truthfully, I’m madder at myself. I’d love nothing more than to forget that night, but my body won’t let me, and the wicked smile on his face suggests he’s not going to allow me to either.

“I guess not.” It’s time to go. I’ve overstayed my tolerance, and I shouldn’t even be standing out here talking to him anyway, petting his dogs as if we’re friends. We’re enemies. End of story. There arenoexceptions. “I should get going.”

“Why don’t you come with me instead?” The suggestion, although sounding like a challenge, surprises me.

“I don’t think so.” My voice is stiffer than a dry board. The last time I went anywhere with him, he robbed me of my dignity and turned me into a fool. “I’m not doing that again.”

“But I have something to give you. And I’m sure you have questions about our little arrangement.”

I do have questions. A ton about our situation. And after what I just saw in his workshop, of course, I have lots of questions about his art and the multitude of pictures of that girl—Giselle. But those are private questions I’d never ask. As for the other kind, I’d love answers for them sooner rather than later.

Maybe I could tolerate him for just a little longer. I’d also like to find out what he has to give me.

“Okay, where are we going?”

“My office.”

Knight gives the dogs a command in French, and the three of them rush away in the opposite direction, then he starts walking toward the path leading back to the house, and I follow.

We pass through the living room with the sliding doors and continue past the library. His office is on the right.

When we walk inside, I see the exquisite décor, which doesn’t look that much different from the study.

A large mahogany desk sits in the center, and ornate bookshelves cover the entire wall to our left in classical literature and books about art. Renaissance art in particular. And sculpting.

Near the wall to our right is a sofa area with a glass drinks cabinet behind. In front is a coffee table with a wooden chess board sitting in the center with all the chess pieces waiting to be played.

Every room in this house looks like it belongs in a hotel suite. It’s hard to believe this is all just for him.

I stop near the sofa, but Knight continues to the drinks cabinet and takes out a few bottles of liquor. One looks like wine, but I could be wrong. The others have French writing on the labels, so I’m not entirely sure what they are, or what Knight Grayson is up to.

Drinking isn’t something I should entertain, let alone drinking with him. I’ve already had way too much alcohol over the last few hours with Madison.

“What are you doing?” I ask, giving him a questioning stare.

“Making atamecocktail.” He sets the bottles down on the counter and glances back at me.

“Tamecocktail? How can a cocktail be tame?”

“Just try it.” He gives me a clipped nod and grabs two glasses.

Knight adds a little of each of the drinks to our glasses until they’re both half full, and the mixture turns a muddy gray color with streams of brown in it.

I wrinkle my nose at the sight.
