Page 45 of Ruthless Knight

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“Tomorrow, we’ll sign a prenup.”

Of course, we will.“What about the wedding?”

“I’ve scheduled it for the second Saturday in June.”

“Oh.” My tone is flat and colder than a fish.

“From tomorrow onward you’ll liaise with one of my assistants, who will organize everything. Your dress, the invitations, and all other documents we need to sign. My grandparents’ anniversary dinner is on Friday at the Astoria. There, we’ll officially announce our engagement. The press will be there asking questions, so I need you to play the part. Our story is that we’ve been dating on and off for months and now we’re engaged.”

“What about all the people who were at my engagement party? They’ll know that’s not true.”

“You don’t have to worry about them.” The malicious smile he gives me makes him look more evil. “I took care of that situation. Did you also notice you and your father were kept out of the press when the scandal broke about Conrad?”

“Yes.” My voice is quiet, my lungs squeezing with the recognition of his power.

All the time I spent following the coverage of the scandal, I never once thought about Dad and me. I was so shocked by what Conrad did, and worried about Dad that nothing else crossed my mind.

“All you have to do on Friday is whatever I tell you. Andbehave.”

I sneer at him. “Behave?” Who the hell does he think he’s talking to?

“Yes, behave. Given your propensity, you need fair warning.”

“What the hell do you mean by mypropensity?” And who talks like that anyway?

“I seem to remember you sneaking out ofmyprivate quarters not fifteen minutes ago. I also remember you bitch-slapping me in public, so yes, you have a propensity tomisbehave.”

I bite down hard on my back teeth, fighting the urge to argue and tell him to go fuck himself.

He’s right about the sneaking-around part, but I still maintain that he more than deserved the slap. I’ll hold my tongue, though, and decide to choose my battles wisely. I don’t just have myself to worry about, and this is just day one.

Onlyday one. And I already want to rip my hair out. Andhis,too.

“What else is there? You said you had something to give me.” I do my best to keep the indignation out of my voice, but I still sound as if I want to claw the skin off his face.

Sin prowls in Knight’s eyes like a predatory cat waiting to strike. “Come here.”

I hate the way the deep timbre of his voice soaks into me, but I ignore it and walk up to him, stopping an arm’s length away.

Knight straightens, reaches into his back pocket, and pulls out a small black velvet pouch. He loosens the silky drawstrings, and everything inside me stills when he pulls out a blue sapphire engagement ring with a cluster of diamonds delicately placed around it.

The sight of the sapphire alone steals my senses. I’m sure there’s not a woman alive who wouldn’t be just as dazed and breathless. I can’t begin to imagine how much it must have cost.

And it’s mine.

I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t this. Then again, I had no expectations of him.

That sensation of being out of my depth hits me again, and my lungs squeeze.

I drag my gaze from the ring to meet his eyes and steady my nerves in slow, measured breaths.

“Give me your hand.” Knight keeps his cold, observing eyes on me, watching my every move.

I hold out my hand, shoving my emotions to the back of my mind becausethis…

This is my life. Receiving a breathtakingly gorgeous engagement ring from a ruthless billionaire who stole me away for his own selfish purposes.

Thisis the closest I’ll ever get to the real thing.
