Page 7 of Ruthless Knight

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Nathan and I are exactly what you would expect from people who are about to enter a business marriage. We’re falling in line with what our families requested of us.

Although I’m trying to be the dutiful daughter I should have been back in college, I don’t want to marry him.

Sure, he’s nice to me and likes the idea of having me on his arm, but apart from that, we’re not together at all. We’ve never even been on a date.

I can also guarantee that if Nathan isn’t knocking boots with some woman in his car or his bed, he’s definitely not thinking about me.

It was only last week that Madison caught him having sex with his secretary in the parking lot of the DoubleTree. Thankfully, he didn’t see her. They were at the hotel for the wedding of a mutual friend.

Madison has been my partner in crime since we were twelve. She’s been my eyes where I can’t see and my ears where I can’t hear. She’s also been the voice of reason telling me that if I can’t get out of this wedding, then I should live it up until I can’t.

My experience with Scott taught me to make better decisions in life, but this…

This isnothing, right?

It’s just a drink.

I look back at the beautiful man again. The sight of him has my heart thumping.

This might just be an invitation for a drink, but it’s an invite from a ridiculously gorgeous man who’s so gorgeous it feels sinful to look at him. And he has my body tingling in places I forgot existed.

“Well?” Elena prods, shuffling impatiently from one foot to the other.

As if the beautiful man can hear us, he raises those thick story-book prince brows, the same question as Elena’s on his face.

“Yes,” I hear myself say.

Yes.I should do this.

Why not?

After all, it would be rude to refuse, and I’m sure no woman in their right mind would turn down a man like that.



Istride toward the handsome man staring back at me.

When he does a full sweep of my body, my trembling legs feel like they’re going to dissolve into pools of water.

His gaze wanders over my body from head to toe with whispers of sin emanating from his stare.

I’m still in the young and inexperienced department, but I can honestly say I’ve never had a man look at me the way he is. As if he wants to strip off my clothes and devour me right here with everyone watching.

The thought and the look send a sudden rush of liquid fire pumping through my blood. I have to swallow hard to chase away the sensation.

I’m not by any means a nervous person, but this guy is doing all sorts of unexpected things to my body.

As I get closer, he straightens, looking like a giant in comparison to my five feet and four inches. Andmy God…

From afar, he was already gorgeous, but up close, his face and muscular body are a whole other masterpiece. I would definitely have to say that he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen in all my twenty-four years.

His straight nose and square jaw give his masculinity a sharp edge. Fire dances in his arctic eyes with a hint of predatory menace, tangoing with the overhead light beaming down on his obsidian hair.

His hair is so dark that against my platinum blonde, we must look like night and day.

He’s what you call dangerously beautiful. Being around a man like him wouldn’t make you think twice about losing yourself in him. Among other things, like dignity and common sense.
