Page 86 of Ruthless Knight

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I’m also not sure at what stage Knight Grayson took more than my body captive, but now it’s clear he’s taken more of me, infiltrating all the parts I keep guarded under lock and key.

When did I let him in?

More importantly, how do I get him out?



It’s Wednesday.

In three days’ time, I’ll have a wife.

The thought stalls in my mind like a ship stuck in a fog and I stare out my office window.

It’s sunny outside. Nearly evening, but still as bright as the noon day sun.

As if the weather is mocking me with a juxtaposition to the storm brewing inside me.

Or maybe it’s just not about me today.

Maybe the universe has better things to do than follow my ever-changing shift of emotions.

I should feel better than I do. I did what I said I was going to do and avoided Aurora like you would a used car salesman trying to earn a commission. It’s been nearly five weeks since I last saw her, yet my fucking dick is still hard as ever, and she’s still living in my damn head.

If I’d truly wanted to forget her, the worst thing I could have done is ask her to strip for me and suck my cock. Add riding my face and coming in my mouth to the mix, and there’s no wonder I had no hope. All I did was shift her out of my sight.

And I’ll be seeing her later tonight for the fundraiser.

I’d hoped I’d be in a better frame of mind by now, but I’m as far from it as Jupiter is from the sun.

My staff have been keeping tabs on her and everything else in my absence. I know she and Chelle are always at each other’s throats, but I’m aware that’s a Chelle thing.

I also know that Nathan has been in touch with Aurora’s father several times. He wants to work with him, but I know the asshole wants a little more than that.

In various email correspondence, Aurora’s name was mentioned several times. The asshole has hopes of getting his foot in the door once my marriage to her is over.

It’s hard to think of the beginning of our marriage in two days when I slip another ring on Aurora’s finger, much less how we’ll be in six months’ time when we say goodbye.

My office door opens with such sudden force, I feel the breeze it creates as it swings forward. Jericho marches in. His face is red and flustered, and his hair and clothes ruffled. He stalks up to my desk with a newspaper dangling from his hand.

“Hey, what’s going on?” I look him over when he stops before me, revealing he looks much worse up close. The last time he looked this bad, he’d gone on a six-day bender and turned up on my college campus wearing a Wendy’s uniform. “What the hell happened to you?”

“Jesus, Knight. Have you seen the papers?”

“No.” I frown inwardly.What did he do now?

He lays the newspaper down on the desk, and I see he’s made the front page.

There’s a picture of him shirtless with a very naked woman giving him a lap dance. Her tits and ass are blurred out. From the rails and padded seats, I’m guessing they’re on a yacht.

The headline above reads:

Billionaire Playboy gets frisky with the Preacher Man’s Wife.

A flash of annoyance tingles my skin, and I look from the newspaper to him and back again.

“A preacher man’s wife, Jericho?” I glower at him with raised brows.
