Page 88 of Ruthless Knight

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“I have to take this.” I retrieve my phone from my pocket.

“Sure. Don’t mind me.” He places his hands up like he’s under arrest.

I answer the phone, momentarily pushing this debacle out of my mind so I can prepare myself for what Claude has to tell me.

I can only imagine his call must have something to do with Aurora. But what?

“Hey, Claude, what’s going on?”

“A lot. It seems your wife-to-be has decided she’s not going to the fundraiser.” His British accent deepens with distaste on those last words. “Ryan went to Sunset Cove to pick her up and she sent him away.”

Jesus, I can’t deal with this now. “Tell her she has to go. That is not up for discussion.”

“She says, and I quote, ‘IfKnightwants me there, he’ll have to drag my ass there kicking and screaming himself.”

My chest gives, and I look up heavenward, as if I can grab answers or help from the universe. Aurora has been playing nice the whole time. What’s changed?


She’s fed up.

I glance at the clock. It’s nearly time for me to leave. If I send someone else to get her, I risk the same rejection. I’m also the closest to Sunset Cove.

“I’ll take care of it.” I drag in a ragged breath and pray for strength.

“Alright, I’ll let Ryan know. See you later.”

He hangs up, and I run my hand across my forehead.

“Everything okay?” Jericho searches my eyes.

“When is it ever? I have to go. I’ll check in with you later.”

“Cool. Call me if you need me.”

I just might. It sounds like I’m about to get reacquainted with the pissed-off version of Aurora Wright who bitch-slapped me and confessed her undying hatred in the same breath.

If that’s her, there’s a chance I might indeed have to drag her sweet little ass kicking and screaming to the fundraiser.

That’s not the way I wanted to see her again after so long.

But we’ll see.

I won’t have her defy me and get away with it so easily.



Ireach Sunset Cove in record time, just managing to get through the start of the rush hour traffic.

I make my way to Aurora’s office. There I find my beautiful wife-to-be sitting behind her desk in the corner of the room.

The sun is beaming down on her, making her white hair glow with angelic radiance. It feels like another attempt to mock me, like a spotlight shining down on the thing I mustn’t touch, mustn’t think about, mustn’t want.

I stop by the doorframe, an instinctive response to observe her beauty from a safe distance and school my thoughts.

Being away from her for the last five weeks has done fuck all for me.
