Page 90 of Ruthless Knight

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Well, damn. Sheisjealous.

And fuck.Thanks, Chelle, thank you so damn much for spinning everything into shit.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had to sleep at various hotels for conference calls to my clients in Hong Kong. It was my grandfather who was with me. Not Chelle. She just made the bookings and arrangements. There was one instance when she joined us for dinner, but that was to take notes while we brainstormed.

“I can assure you I was working.”

“Be that as it may, you can’t tell me that you two don’t have a past.” Aurora wrinkles her nose and looks me up and down as if she’s sizing me up. “A past she’s clearly still hung up on, but I can completely understand why she would be. Your workshop is covered in sculptures ofher.”

Her words pierce the rigid control I usually have on my emotions.

I guess she did look through my sketch book. The photo album, too.

That’s why she thinks Chelle is Giselle. I see why she would. Their names are similar and easily mistaken for a nickname or an abbreviation.

The similarity in appearance was what screwed with me when I thought it was a good idea to hook up with Chelle. Again, not my finest moment.

“Those sculptures are not of Chelle,” I clarify, searching her eyes.

Just for a moment, she looks as if she knows she’s touched a subject she shouldn’t have. When I don’t elaborate and give her more intel, her face softens.

I’m glad she doesn’t push me. Giselle is not a topic I want to talk about now or ever, and definitely not with Aurora.

She sets her shoulders back and lifts her chin as if she’s about to tell me to fuck off. “Regardless, Chelle doesn’t act like your assistant.”

I’m not going to entertain any further discussion about Chelle when it’s irrelevant, but I will deal with her the next time we see each other. As for now, temptation entices me to play with this streak of envy growing on Aurora’s face.

“Careful, you look so worked up, I might think you’re jealous.”

She makes a face as if she’s just tasted bad fish. “Are you serious? You need to get over yourself.” She shuffles past me and pads over to the file cabinet to put her documents away.

My eyes go straight to her curvy ass and stay there. “You sound jealous to me.”

“I’m not. You can be with whomever you want. I don’t give a shit. Just keep them away from me.”

Something about that comment pokes at my insides. I don’t like it. It suggests she thinks she can be with whomever she wants too. Contract or not, I won’t stand for that.

“I don’t cheat. Ever.”

“Good for you.” She turns and finds me checking her out. Instantly, her cheeks glow stoplight-red and she glares at me. “You know, you can leave now. I’m not going to the fundraiser.”

I give her a humorless smile. “Do you really believe that’s how this is going to work? When last I checked, I own your ass.”

Slowly, I walk up to her. She backs away, but like she knew I would, I follow.

“You don’t own me.” The slight tremor in her voice gives her fear away. She can act ballsy all she wants, but there’s a part of her that’s afraid of me. She wouldn’t be wrong to feel that way. “Just because I agree to something doesn’t mean you own me.”

She’s about to slip past me, but I catch her arm and pull her back, then capture her face.

She gasps, but her breath catches. “Let go of me.”

“Not until we get a few things straight.”

“Like what?”

“Like no one must touch you while you’re mine. And Idoown you.” I run my finger over the smooth skin of her jaw and stop where her pulse leaps like a heartbeat. “Every single part of you belongs to me. So, if I wanted, I could haul your ass to anywhere in this world. Or get you to strip for me again and keep you on your knees sucking my cock all night.”

“You are such an asshole.” Her jaw clenches, a sign she wants to hold on to her anger. But her body has already begun reacting to me.
