Page 96 of Ruthless Knight

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I felt I owed that part to myself.

It also seemed fitting at the time.

Whether or not Aurora can feel it, I’m sure she wouldn’t let on that she can.

That’s one more mystery about me I don’t want to talk about.

Eventually, her hand moves straight down to my cock.

I smile into her kiss, groaning long into her mouth as she strokes my length.

“You want me again, Goddess?” I lick over her lips.

“Yes,” she whispers.

Her confirmation makes me hard again, as if I didn’t just empty myself inside her seconds ago.

“I’m all yours.” I get on top of her, and she wraps her long legs around my waist as I slam back into her body.

I devour her again. And we don’t stop there.

We keep going.

* * *

The bright morning sun looks just as good on her as the moonlight did.

I’m sitting on the window bay, absorbing the last few minutes I have to admire Aurora’s beauty.

She’s wrapped in my sheets with her hair sprawled around her in a sexy mess, just like the fantasy. She still looks like a piece of art in my bed. And in my room.

Everything in here is so dark and dusky with rich colors of burgundy and Aegean blue, but her fairness adds light like a candle in a dark cave.

I want nothing more than to climb back in bed with her, wake her up, and spend the day making up for the last five weeks.

But I need to resist. If only for the sake of work. Both my absence and Jericho’s at the fundraiser did not go down well last night.

When I eventually looked at my phone, I saw the host of messages from my grandfather and Chelle asking me where I was.

I didn’t reply to Chelle, but I sent my grandfather a message letting him know I’d speak with him later. I phrased it that way to open the floor to talk to him about Jericho.

I’ve also decided it’s better to tell him I was absent last night because Aurora was sick. I hate lying to him, but no way in hell am I going to tell him I spent the night balls deep in my wife—wife-to-be—a woman we both know is supposed to be a pawn in my mission to secure my legacy.

Which leads me to the other reason I need to be careful. The one I keep coming back to—her.

Last night blew my mind, but even before I met Aurora, I knew she deserved better.

She deserves better than the raw hand life dished her with the loss of her mother, and she deserves better than me.

Going down this road is also not good for me. Although I feel like I’m past the point where I might have been able to turn back.

There’s a little knock on my door.

It’s either going to be Claude or Denise. It’s ten. They would have come up to check on me sooner, but I’m sure with the raucous noises Aurora and I made, they stayed away.

I pull on a T-shirt and walk to the door quietly, opening it with the same care.

Claude stands on the other side with an uneasy look on his face.
