Page 30 of Devil Within

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And then I feel his arm around me and my eyes snap open to find myself in Hudson’s bed. I almost forgot about last night.

I gently push Hudson’s arm off me and slip out of the bed even though I don’t want to.

Hudson is sprawled out across the bed, the delicious curves of his smooth back are exposed. With gentle sunlight streaming into the room, I can see faint beauty spots speckled across his skin.How can anyone be so perfect?

It’s tempting to get back into the bed now and have his arm around me once again, but I manage to pull myself together as I grab my jeans and underwear from the Ottoman and slip into it.

I still don’t know what time it is which makes me suddenly realise that I don’t have my phone. Thinking about it, I don’t even remember when last I had used my phone.

Lex is probably freaking out because the last time she saw me was yesterday morning before I left to go to the yacht with Hudson.

When you’re having such a good time, it’s so easy to forget about the rest of your life. The thought of going to class so early in the morning dampens my mood.

I grab the rest of my clothes and leave Hudson’s room. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I walk around as quietly as I can on the cool marble floors and begin searching for my phone in the living room.

That’s when I spot my backpack against the couch. I lift the bag and unzip it before rummaging through it frantically. I finally find my phone wedged right at the bottom of my bag.

A long sigh of relief escapes my lips as I try to switch my phone on, but it’s completely dead.Lex is definitely freaking out.I stuff my clothes into my backpack and then zip it up again.

“Were you going to leave without telling me?” Hudson’s low voice startles me and I swivel around to find him standing a few feet away from me.

His black hair is tousled and looks so soft. He’s now wearing a pair of dark jeans that ride low on his waistline. The medallion dangles from his neck and sits on his firm chest.

“I have to go. I have a yoga session and then I have class,” I say, as I shoulder my backpack.

“I can take you.” Hudson steps closer.

“It’s Monday,” I tell him.

He stares at me blankly. “And?”

“Don’t you have things to do? I can’t possibly take up any more of your time.”

“There’s nothing on my schedule. I do what I want when I want.” He takes another step towards me and he’s close enough because he slips his arms around my waist and pulls against him.

“That’s great, Hudson.” My face warms at our closeness. “But I have to go.”

“Then let me take you. Or you don’t want to be seen with me?” he asks, leaning in to kiss my neck.

His breath tickles my skin and I tip my head back, exposing my throat to him. The kisses become wetter and more insistent as his lips move further down my neck.

“You’re making me late,” I whisper and he stills, before pulling back.

“I’ll let you leave,” he says, a gentle warning in his voice. “But only if I get to drop you off.”

“Okay,” I agree to him dropping me off at my yoga class because it seems that he won’t take no for an answer.

Hudson runs back up to get fully dressed and when he returns, he’s wearing a loose-fitting navy blue t-shirt and his jeans with a very clean pair of Vans.

We take the elevator down, standing across from each other and just thinking back to what we were doing in here yesterday has my face burning with mortification and my body tingling.

Hudson watches me the entire time, a devilish smirk plastered across his face as if he can hear what I’m thinking.

“I feel like the elevator rides should become a regular thing,” Hudson suggests when we reach the hotel underground parking.

“Your mind is corrupt,” I tell him as he takes my hand in his and leads me over to a parking lot at the far end of the underground parking.

“Oh no, this is just a teaser of what’s to actually come. Take your pick.” He points forward at the Lamborghini and the other car; a shiny black Mustang.
