Page 43 of Orchestrated Love

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“It was the best kiss of my life up to that point,” Jax continued, as though what Noah was doing wasnothing.

Noah sucked harder, then reached up to hold Jax’s wrist so he could guide Jax’s index finger in when he popped his thumb out. He held his eyes as he made the switch, reveling in the way Jax swallowed but kept his eyes open, groaning in response to the seduction.

“Now you’re trying to do it again.” Jax’s voice was rough with restrained lust as he held still while Noah kept up his sensual assault.

“You mean I’m not succeeding in driving you insane again?” He flicked his eyes up to look at Jax, a small, knowing smile curving his lips before he slipped his free hand between their bodies to grasp the hard evidence of Jax’s growing desire. “This doesn’t give that impression, Prof.”

Jax chuckled. “You know exactly what you do to me. You’ve always known.”

That, at least, was true. He stroked the hard length beneath his palm slowly, in time to the sucking motion of his tongue on Jax’s digit. Even he was not immune to the utter sensuality of his actions, and when Jax dragged his finger out of Noah’s mouth, lingering for a long moment on his bottom lip so he could drag it down to expose his teeth, Noah groaned.

“I need you to know that every hurt you felt, I felt as well, Noah.”

Jax breathed the words into his ear, more than an apology, more than regret. They resonated with truth in his very bones. He inhaled against the remembered anguish and Jax pulled him impossibly close and held him while they both let go at last of the hurt they caused each other in the past. Noah had no idea how long they stood there, offering comfort to each other, his hand trapped between their bodies above a rock-hard erection, but he received the healing vibe flowing from Jax, welcomed the desire that arced between them, embracedthe love.

“I’m only human, Noah, and imperfect. But I promise I’ll never break us apart again. Are youwith me?”

Jax had moved away enough so he could look into Noah’s eyes as he waited for his reply. Noah nodded, so Jax wouldn’t worry that he wasn’t all in. Then he took another moment to gather himself so he could speak the words he knew Jax needed to hear.

“I forgive you, Jax. I know you only wanted what was best for me. The part of me that wasn’t falling apart back then loved you so much for making the hard choice. You know me … I wouldn’t have made it. I would have done anything to keep what we had. But now, hindsight being what it is, I know it made me stronger, braver, better.” He smiled into Jax’s eyes. “I know this may sound maudlin and silly, but it made me a man, the man you needed, even if we had to wait a decade to get back to each other.”

Jax was on him before he could say anything else, demanding entry to his mouth and branding him with his tongue. The kiss was everything he could have prayed for if he’d had the time to say the words. Noah relaxed and let him have his way, giving him back kiss for hungry kiss, unsurprised when Jax backed him up against the island and pushed into him so hard he felt the edge of the countertop againsthis spine.

“Unh!” he groaned in mixed pain andpleasure.

“What time is your dad getting home?” Jax eased off him without losing contact withhis body.

“He doesn’t usually make it back before ten. We have time.”

“Show me where.”

No need to ask what Jax meant. His hunger beat against Noah’s lips as they kissed furiously again, everything forgotten but their need for each other. He grabbed his hand and pulled him along to his bedroom, barely managing to shut the door before he was pulling at Jax’s shirt, trying to get it off him. The fumbling to undress would have struck him as more hilarious if he’d had enough functioning brain cells left over to consider how they must look, stumbling around to get their pants and boxers off.

When they fell in a heap on his bed, though, they both burst out laughing, the pure joy of their amusement cleansing the last of the hurt they’d both been carrying around. Then Jax rolled over on top of him, and amusement turned to desire, morphed into lust and raging need as he ground his hips into Noah’s, stealing his breath with deep, ravenous kisses. The skin-on-skin contact kept Noah on the ragged edge of cumming with nothing touching him but his lover’s steely cock.

“Hot as ever,” Jax panted against his mouth when he released it to catch at the air. “Condoms? Lube?”

Noah dragged his eyes open. “Over there.” He turned his head in the direction of his nightstand.

Jax’s laugh was soft, sexy. “Easy, baby. Relax! I’vegot you.”

Oh yes, he did! There was nowhere else that Noah wanted to be but right where he was, wrapped up in bliss. And they hadn’t even made love as yet. He reached up, pulling Jax’s mouth back to his. Who needed air when there was Jax? He rolled his hips up, needing a closer connection, and Jax rewarded him with an answering plunge before sliding to the side so he could stroke Noah’s weeping cock.

“Fuck!” The expletive slipped past his tight lips, a wish anda prayer.

“Yes!” And there was his answer.

Jax slid away for a moment to get the supplies, then returned to lie beside him. Pulling Noah onto his side to face him, he took his lips again while he pulled his leg over his hip,opening him to his now questing finger. Noah hissed, waiting for a burn that never came. Jax went unerringly to the one point guaranteed to send Noah screaming into orbit and pegged it over and over, not wasting time in getting to where he wanted Noah to be.

Two fingers, then three, Jax remained unrelenting in his assault on Noah’sprostate.

“Jax, I’m gonna blow before you get inside me.”

Noah hated the whine in his voice, but he hadn’t waited for over a decade to lose his shit before the main event. He needed the fullness of his lover’s cock, the warmth and strength of it inside him. He didn’t want to waste his first orgasm with Jax after all this time without them bound together in the most intimateembrace.

Jax eased out of him, leaning down to kiss him again before reaching for the condom.

“Cover me.”
