Page 90 of Distance

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Her words have swarmed my mind ever since, I knew it was bad but not this bad.

I squeeze my fingers around the sharp edges of the blade in my hand. As it slices through my flesh, warm liquid drips through my fingertips.

“You’re a fucking psychopath.”

I snap my head to the stupid pussy tied to the metal chair in the center of Luca’s basement. Hit number fifteen, I don’t know his name nor do I fucking care at this point. All of Falcone’s men are just numbers on my kill list at this point.

Why I haven’t killed this mouthy little prick yet, I don’t know. I thought getting revenge would make me feel something. Would tame the monster and distract me from the reoccurring screams I hear in my head, the heart-wrenching cries that barrelled down the hospital corridors as I turned my back on the love of my life.

Instead, all it’s done is make the screams louder. Every time I torture one of Falcone's men, all I can see is Sienna’s face as I shattered her heart. They might have been the ones to physically hurt her, but I all but shot the final bullet. I killed the light in her. I’m worse than any of them.

My firecracker is made of strong stuff. I know with time, she will get over me. The thought of another man touching her, seeing her smile, and snuggling her to sleep, brings bile burning into my throat.

You chose this, you asshole.I shake my head and turn my attention back to my latest hit.

His face is swollen, blood spilling from the gash in his eyebrow. Yet he still sits there with a sarcastic smirk, as if he’s enjoying the pain.

“Fuck, do you ever shut up?” I say as I slowly walk over to him, kicking the legs of the chair under him, sending him flying backward. His head bounces off the concrete floor. A few seconds pass and he doesn’t move. Thank fuck, some peace.

Going back to my torture station, as I like to call it, I consider the shiny metal clinical-looking tray resting on top of the fold-out table. An array of lethal blades are laid out perfectly in height order. Next to it, a pair of tooth extracting forecasts smothered in dried blood with a neat collection of molars.

Maybe if I rip the rest of his teeth out, that will stop him from talking.

I hear him rustling on the floor a few footsteps away. A low groan escapes his lips. Snatching the cold instrument, my mind is made up. The teeth are going.

Lucas’ basement is arctic. The puffs of my breath linger in the air. New York is currently covered in a blanket of snow. I know Sienna would love nothing more than dragging me around Central Park and no doubt assaulting me with snowballs. She told me that back home in London they rarely get snow and when they do, it’s the shit type that goes to slush. I’d love to witness her contagious smile again.

Get your head back in the game, Keller.

My phone vibrates against the metal tray, breaking me from my thoughts. Letting out a sigh, I pick it up. Every day I wait for her to finally make contact, to give me a reason not to lose myself to the darkness completely. So far, nothing.

Her name lights up my screen. I blink a few times to make sure I’m not hallucinating. It’s been a long time since I slept properly. My finger hesitates over the green button. My heart wants nothing more than to pick up and tell her I was fucking wrong and beg her to take my sorry ass back. I quickly remember why I am doing this. I’d rather her be alive without me than dead with me.

The call cuts off and I sigh in relief. But that’s immediately short-lived as the phone vibrates in my hand again. Just her name flashing on the screen gives me a warm feeling in my chest.

Fuck it.

“Sienna, are you okay?” I quickly ask, holding my breath as I wait for her reply.

“Huh? Yeah, of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be? It’s not as if I was kidnapped and then dumped in my hospital bed by the man I thought was the love of my life. Oh, wait.” Sarcasm drips from her voice. She was never one to hide her emotions.

“No, I’m actually calling because I have a question for you.”

“Ok, fine, but make it quick. I’m busy,” I snap. I know I sound like an asshole, but I can’t lead her on.

A moment passes. I can hear my heart racing in my ears as I wait for her to spit it out.

“Is Enzo single?”

Tightening my grip on the phone, my jaw clenches so hard I’m surprised my teeth don’t shatter. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

This fucking woman will be the death of me.

“Helllo-o. Keller? Are you there?”

“Don’t. You. Fucking. Dare. Princess.” I manage to spit out, my mind reeling.

“You don’t get to call me Princess anymore, you spineless piece of shit. Just answer the fucking question. Is he single, yes or no? I have an itch that needs scratching and I kinda find that little scar across his cheek and his jet black hair sexy. I can’t wait to wrap my fingers through it whilst he-”
