Page 71 of Dark City Omega

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“It isn’t Benjamin. She got it wrong.”

Sierra pipes up, removin’ her hand from a huge yellow blossom hangin’ low. “There’s no mistake. She was sure.”

“I saw Benjamin alive in Paradise Hole four…five weeks ago.”

“You what?” Whiskey’s eyes bulge.

I nod and glance in the direction of my house, where my heart lies. “He was after Echo. I killed him.”

The Six exchange a look. We all share in it. We all arrive at the same conclusion. “Then that confirms it,” Vi says, voice as soft as ever. He stands up from the roses, crosses his arms over his chest and manages to look deeply perturbed. “Somebody’s out there reanimatin’ Alpha corpses.”

“That isn’t possible,” Barbero rebuts, but even he doesn’t sound sure.

“Ellery was sure?” I say.

Whiskey whispers, “Swore it on her life. We were there.”

“Then the Omega was right.” Sierra whistles. “It’s a dead Alpha army.”

“She was right about more than that.” They open their mouths to start arguin’ but I cut in. “She suspected Trash City of supplyin’ the bodies. They had guns. They took the bodies of the Alphas I killed and killed the rest I didn’t.”

“Who are they sellin’ them to? Who’s doin’ the reanimatin’?” Vi says.

“Don’t know who’s doin’ the reanimatin’ or how, but there’s only a few powerful enough for it.”

“You don’t think it was an Omega…” Sierra says, then registers the look on my face and drops her arms. “You think it was a Fate.”

I turn away from them and start stompin’ towards my own private residences, where my heart sits. Over my shoulder, I say, “Keep plannin’ the Ball. Just make sure Mirage City Berserker gets a special invitation.”

20 | Adam

Downtown Dark City

Echo looks so fuckin’ cute —cute— as shestares out of the dark tinted window at the city, her face all pressed up against the glass.She keeps foggin’ it, then wipin’ away the fog with the flat of her fist rather than just pulling back a few inches. I don’t suggest she does, though, because every time it makes me laugh.

“That’s Dark Tower, where we were gonna hold the Ball before you turned our place into a fuckin’ palace.”

“I did not. I just grew some flowers,” she says absently before saying more loudly, “What’s Dark Tower for?”

I shrug. “Mostly business shit. Lots of offices in there. We hold conferences there sometimes, galas, balls, host delegations from other cities.”

“Are Betas allowed to go?”

I clench my teeth, heat traveling through my abdomen. I shift my weight between my hips and my ass squeaks against the seat. I’m embarrassed. “No. Betas aren’t allowed in Dark Tower.”

She pauses for a moment. “What about Omegas?”

“You are the Dark City Omega,” I say, punctuating each word with menace. “Can do whatever the fuck you want, Echo. Go wherever the fuck you wanna go.” Just not into Paradise Hole.

As if she’s thinkin’ the same thing, she shoots me a withering look over her shoulder. It’s fleeting though, because then we take a turn and pass an open-air market. “What’s this?”

“Farmer’s market.”

“Farmers. There aren’t any farmers in Dark City.”

“No, but we get a lotta traders in from Shadowlands and Glass Flats. Sell their crazy artisan, hand-crafted shit here at Greenie’s Square at insane fuckin’ markups, but it doesn’t seem to matter. People like the shit.”

