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I’m full of bread, risotto, and chunky fries, but the desserts look scrumptious.

“How about we share something?” Kip says when I tell him I don’t want to eat too much if I’m going to get screwed senseless. “You choose.”

“Tonka Chocolate Crémeux,” I read out. “From Willy Tonka’s chocolate factory?”

He laughs. “Tonka beans are the seeds from the kumaru tree from South America. They look like raisins.”

“What do they taste like?”

“Vanilla with a touch of spice and tobacco. They’re illegal in the U.S.”


“They contain a chemical compound that’s toxic when consumed in high quantities. You’d have to eat a shit-ton of dessert to get into trouble, though.”

“We’ve got to try that, then. As well as the chocolate crémeux, it has banana bread, whipped milk jam, and salted caramel ice cream. I don’t even know what whipped milk jam is, but it sounds amazing.”

We give our order to Wiremu, and he tops up our glasses, then retreats.

The sun is low over the horizon now, and the room is flooded with a rich golden light. Every now and again, I can detect Kip’s cologne. It smells expensive and sophisticated. Of course it does. No five-dollar supermarket spray for this guy.

“Thank you so much for this,” I say. “I’m having a wonderful time.”

“And it’s not over yet,” he teases.

The pianist starts playingI Got it Bad and That Ain’t Good. Kip gives me a mischievous smile. “Dance with me,” he says.

My eyebrows rise. “What?”

He gets to his feet and holds out a hand. “Come on.”

My jaw drops as I glance around. “It’s not the kind of place where you dance.”

“There’s music playing, isn’t there?”

“Yeah, but there’s no dance floor.”

“There’s room all around the piano.” He picks up my hand and tugs it.

“I can’t leave the books.”

“I think they’ll be safe,” he says drily.

“Oh my God, no…” Protesting all the way, I let him pull me up and follow him the short distance across to the piano. Conscious of people looking over at us, my face heats as he turns me into his arms, takes my right hand in his left, and we start to move.

He tries not to laugh as he looks at my face. “Why are you blushing?”

“Everyone’s looking.”

“That’s because they’re all wishing they had the guts to do what we’re doing.” He bends his head and lightly kisses me. “You look amazing. I want everyone to see that, tonight, you’re my girl.”

I look up at him, trying hard to hold onto the reins of my racing heart. This guy… I want to keep this casual. To have fun but make sure I don’t fall for him. But it’s nigh-on impossible.

We move slowly, from foot to foot. It’s nice just being close, and feeling his hand holding mine. His skin is warm, and he strokes his thumb with mine. At one point he lifts his hand and turns me in a circle before pulling me back into his arms. Someone nearby claps, and he chuckles and sends them a smile.

“Shame there’s not more room,” he says. “It would be nice to take a spin about the floor.”

“You like dancing?”
