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I give her a wry look. “She’s twenty-one. She’s taking a law degree here at Vic.”

“An undergrad,” she teases. “Naughty boy.”

I give a short laugh. “I’ve always thought of her as Alex’s kid sis. I mean, she was always a pretty little thing, but I would never have… you know…”

“Led her astray? Corrupted her?”

“Uh, yeah. When he asked me if I’d drive her down to Christchurch for the wedding, I was determined to keep my distance. But we spent eight hours together, and she was…” I think about how she did the French kiss magic trick, and the way she somehow cast aside my view of her as a kid and turned into this sultry woman.

Then I think of the way I slid my hand into her underwear and made her come in the car and try not to blush.

“Oh…” Kennedy says, watching me struggle. “You really like her, don’t you?”

“Yeah. We spent a bit of time together. And then on the night of the wedding we… ah…”

“Hooked up?”


She grins. “You’re a bad boy.”

“I’d blame her, but yeah, it was all my fault.” I huff a sigh. “Alex would kill me if he found out.”

“Aw, come on, you’re not fourteen anymore. What she does is her own business now.”

“You don’t know Alex.”

“Look, all big brothers are protective of their younger sisters. Christian was, even at twelve. They just want to make sure their sisters are safe and respected. As long as you treat her right, I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

I drop my gaze back to the sandwich and pick at it moodily. We’ve exchanged a few texts since I came back to Wellington. Just fun and flirty messages, teasing each other about our night together, very lighthearted. Neither of us has mentioned meeting up again.

“Damon,” she warns. “Are you treating her right?”

“It was just a one-night stand.”

She leans back in her chair and surveys me. “Did she know that?”

“Yeah. I think. She’s still in Christchurch. We haven’t arranged to meet.”

“Do you want to see her again?”

I meet her eyes. I sigh. “I really do.”

“What’s the problem?” she asks, amused. “If you got on well?”

“She’s going to Australia for a couple of months soon as an intern at a law firm. She’s so young, Ken. She might meet someone there. And then what? Another broken heart for me.”

Her expression softens. “Yeah, that’s tough for you. But what’s to stop you flying over there to see her? You’re not exactly short of cash.”

“True. But I don’t want her to think I’m stalking her, you know? She signed up to go, maybe she wants some freedom.”

“Well, here’s a tip—don’t make her decisions for her. It’s all about communication. Be open, tell her what you want, and let her do the same. You shouldn’t second guess her. That’s not fair on her.”

“I guess. I keep thinking about a sexual harassment issue I had to deal with at Kingpinz.”

“It’s hardly the same, Damon. You’ve slept with Belle. That should give you a clue that she likes you.”

