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He laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders. “Come on, let’s go and look at the Museum.”

We spend a couple of hours browsing through the dinosaur exhibition with its T. rex skeleton and examining the historic objects from the Antarctic and Early Settlers galleries. Afterward, still full from our big breakfast, we stop for a light lunch—a cake and a coffee—in town, then browse the shops together, hand in hand, enjoying each other’s company. We spend a while in a large toy shop so I can go through the magic tricks and props, and I treat myself to a wallet made out of recycled playing cards with slots for cards and coins.

When we’re done, we cross into Hagley Park and follow the Avon back to the hotel. It’s in sight when he stops me and produces a small box with the logo of the magic shop.

“I wanted to say thank you,” he says, handing it to me.

“For what? The orgasm?”

“Yeah,” he says. “For the orgasm.”

I chuckle and open it. “Oh, Damon…” It’s a tiny pair of earrings, each in the shape of a rabbit coming out of a hat.

“They’re just for fun,” he says awkwardly.

“I love them.” I take one out and study the smiling rabbit. “Nobody’s ever bought me anything to do with my magic before,” I say in a husky voice. “Everyone always thinks it’s a joke.”

“I don’t.”

I look up into his gingerbread-brown eyes.

“I think you’re amazing,” he states. Then he slips a hand to the back of my neck, moves closer, and kisses me.

They’re just earrings, and I don’t even think they’re silver or anything. It’s hardly an engagement ring. It’s nothing to get excited about, I tell myself.

But the feel of the box in my hand warms me all the way through. He’s trying to tell me that he appreciates the things I’ve said and done. And I think he’s trying to tell me he has feelings for me.

I don’t know what the future’s going to hold yet. But for the first time, I’m filled with hope that maybe the magic I’ve always loved will spill over into my real life.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Even though my body is already longing for her, part of me doesn’t want the day to end. We sit on a bench for a while, watching the ducks sailing by, enjoying the peace and quiet, while she cuddles up to me, her arms around my waist and her head on my shoulder. The sky has clouded over and it’s going to rain soon, but for now a burst of sunshine turns the river into a dazzling sheet of gold.

It seems important to justbe, to let myself process this time alone with her. I’m prone to overthinking, to dwelling on the past and worrying about the future, but I do my best to quiet my mind and concentrate on my senses, on the here and now. It’s not an onerous task. It’s a beautiful autumn afternoon, and the earthy smell of the leaves and the freshness of the river mix with Belle’s light and flowery daytime scent. She produces a bar of chocolate, breaks off a couple of pieces, and pops one in my mouth, and I let it melt on my tongue. Her curves are rounded where she’s pressed up against me—she doesn’t seem to have any angles. Her hair smells of mint.

Sliding a finger beneath her chin, I lift her face so I can kiss her, and enjoy the softness of her lips, the whisper of her breath across mine as she sighs with contentment.

“I love your mouth,” I murmur. “So soft.”

“Mmm. And I love your tongue. That knows how to do real magic.” She parts her lips and lets me slide it against hers, and we indulge in a long, luxurious kiss that sends my pulse racing.

“We should go back,” I whisper. “Or we might get arrested for being lewd.”

“I would love to get arrested for being lewd. What a thing to have on your CV.”

I chuckle, get up, and pull her to her feet. “Come on, gorgeous. If I’m not naked and on my knees with my tongue inside you in five minutes, I think I might explode.”

Her eyes light up, and the two of us practically run back to the hotel. We’re halfway there when it starts raining, and by the time we enter the lobby, we’re soaked through, and laughing as we drip all over the carpet.

We take the elevator up, and we’re already kissing before we get there. I sink my hands into her wet hair and hold her as our tongues tangle. She slips her hands beneath the hem of my wet tee and skates them over my ribs and around to my back. I growl and push her up against the wall of the car, pressing my body against hers, heat rushing through me. I love that she’s eager for me, but also willing to follow my lead. That she’ll wait for me, but that she doesn’t expect anything. I hadn’t realized I needed a girl like this in my life, but now I have her, I don’t want to let her go.

When the elevator dings, I move her out of it backward, still kissing her, and she laughs against my lips. “Someone will see!”

“Don’t care.” I walk her all the way to our room, swipe the card, and open the door, letting it close behind us.
