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“We’re kind of seeing each other,” I say bashfully, and she squeals. “But it’s really early days,” I add, “and I don’t want to scare him off, so don’t tell Alex, okay? I want to wait until I get back from Australia, and then I’ll see where things are. If Damon is still interested in seeing me, I’ll tell Alex then.”

She agrees to keep it to herself, although I know she’ll tell Tyson, because she tells him everything. I have no doubt that Alex will find out eventually. I’ll just have to deal with him when he does. He’s so protective of me. I hope he takes it easy on Damon. I am a bit concerned that if Alex makes too much of a fuss, Damon will want to put his friendship and business relationship first, and he’ll back off and change his mind.

He’s been calling and messaging a lot, so I’ve tried not to worry too much about it. After Catie’s babies are born, though, he has to go to Auckland, and he’s super busy, so I don’t hear from him quite so much. He does call every night, though, telling me about his day.

I knew he was a director of Kingpinz, of course, and that he helps Alex out at Kia Kaha, but it’s only when he talks about his time in Auckland that I realize how important his work is. He’s very offhand about it, but in Saxon’s absence he’s working at Titus’s AI company, holding daily meetings with Mack Hart, who built the supercomputer that’s processing all the data from the IVF trials, and Elizabeth Huxley, who’s the chemist in charge of the trials. It’s clear that Damon’s not an empty suit who’s there in name only, but that they respect his expertise with programming.

It’s a bit daunting, and I can’t help but wonder what on earth he sees in me. But I try not to dwell on it too deeply. He tells me he’s looking forward to his birthday, and the items have arrived that I sent off for, so I’m excited about it as well.

And then, late on Easter Sunday, when I’m asleep in bed, my phone buzzes beneath my pillow, waking me up. I pull it out and look at it blearily—it’s nearly one a.m., and it’s Damon. I sit up and answer it with a racing heart. “Hello?”

“It’s me,” he says softly. “Were you asleep?”

“Yes, but it’s okay. Is everything all right?”

“Ahh… not really. I’m at Kip’s place.”

“What’s happened?”

“Kip and Saxon had a fight.”


“Yeah. Kip and Alice broke up.”

“Oh no.”

“We were at Mum and Dad’s place, celebrating the birth of the twins. Kip was drunk and in a foul mood, being obnoxious. Eventually Saxon snapped and provoked him. So Kip hit him and broke Saxon’s nose.”

“Oh shit, really?”

“Yeah, there was blood everywhere. I took Kip home and put him to bed. He’s vomited a few times, but now he’s crashed. I think he’ll be out until morning now.”

“Oh Damon,” I say, “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. It’s just… It upset me, you know? I hate seeing them fighting. Always have.”

“Of course. They’ll make up though, right?”

“Yeah, I’m sure tomorrow it’ll all be forgotten. Kip was so sad, though. He really loves her.”

“What happened between them? Did she break it off or did he?”

“She did. I think she’s convinced they won’t be able to make it work, and she wanted to end it sooner rather than later.” He goes quiet.

I sit back on the pillows. “And that’s made you think?” He doesn’t reply. “Is there something you want to say to me?” I ask softly, my heart racing. “Are you calling me to end it?”

“No. I don’t want that. I wondered if you thought we should.”

“Because I’m going to Australia?”

“Not necessarily. I just wondered why you want to be with me? I’m fucked up, Belle. You deserve better.”

I let out a breath slowly. He doesn’t want to break up with me. He’s just feeling insecure, that’s all.

“You’re not fucked up,” I tell him. “And you’re not cursed, whatever you think. You’re a kind, generous man who’s been hurt badly. And you deserve love the same as any other human being. Kip’s a pretty determined guy, right? He’s rich and resourceful. He’ll figure it out and win her back. If a love between two people is strong enough, it’ll work out.”

“You think?”
