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“Stop interfering. I don’t need any help with my love life.”

“You’re single and have been for over a year. It looks to me as if you need all the help you can get.”

“Yes, I’m single, and I’m quite happy being that way. So for God’s sake, stop bothering me. I’m going to get another whisky.” He strides off to the kitchen.

Juliette looks at us and pulls an ‘eek’ face. “Think I touched a nerve.”

“He likes her,” I reply, “and you know he gets embarrassed. Stop pushing him. If he wants to ask her out, he will.”

“But he’s so dour,” she says with exasperation. “She’ll assume he doesn’t like her.”

“Well, then he’ll have to work extra hard to make it obvious,” James tells her. “Should be fun.”

“I’ll get the popcorn,” Henry says, and we all chuckle.

Belle turns to me and puts her arms around my neck. “I hope he settles down soon. If he ends up half as happy as I am right now, he’ll be a lucky man.”

“Bleugh.” Juliette rolls her eyes. “I need another glass of wine.”

I chuckle. “Don’t listen to her.” I kiss Belle. “Not long now, and I’ll be able to call you my wife.”

“Mrs. Chevalier,” she murmurs back. “I can’t wait.”

Smiling, I kiss her again, while our family and friends give a big cheer that fills me with happiness.
