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“Google it,” I tell her, amused. “I’m going to the Gents.”



I watch him walk off, admiring his tall frame and his bold, confident stride, even though the boat is pitching. Then I pull out my phone and type in Brat Kink.

I’m still reading, open-mouthed, when I glance up and see him walking back. I watch him stop to let a woman pass him, smiling when she says thank you. He’s such a gentleman. I like that.

He returns to his seat and lowers down beside me.

“I’m not a brat!” I exclaim, trying not to sound like one.

“You’re the baby of the family. I distinctly remember you having a tantrum and stamping your feet.”

“Oh my God, I was, like, six years old!”

He chuckles and stretches out his legs, smiling. “Any idea what the weather’s going to be like at the weekend?”

“Oh no, mister, you don’t get to change the subject after forcing me to Google BDSM terms. You totally need to elaborate on the brat kink thing.”

He gives me a wry look. “I shouldn’t talk to you about that.”

I give an exasperated huff. “You started it. Anyway, I’m not six, I’m twenty-one. I want to know about this stuff, but I don’t know who else to ask.”

“I have a feeling Jo might be able to help.”

I try to get the top off my bottle of water, but it’s on really tight. He holds out his hand, and when I pass the bottle to him, he twists it easily and gives it back.

“I loosened it,” I say sulkily, having a swig as he grins. “I haven’t known Jo that long, and she’s so confident…” I screw the lid back on slowly. “I’m embarrassed to admit how little I know.”

He frowns. “What about your boyfriends?”

“I haven’t had that many.”

“You never spoke to Cole about anything like this?” he asks.

“No. So I’m totally clueless. Please, please enlighten me.”

He gives a short laugh. “I really shouldn’t.”

“Damon, come on, I know you’d never make a move on me in a million years. I feel safe with you. And I don’t have anyone else to ask.”

“Hmm.” He runs his tongue over his top teeth, and for a moment I feel as if I’ve opened a Labrador’s cage and discovered there’s a lion inside.

I’m convinced he’s going to refuse to talk about anything intimate and change the subject again, but instead he says, “I… uh… overheard you say to Cole that he treated you like a sex doll. So he wasn’t great in bed?”

I’m embarrassed he overheard me say that. “Not really, not that I have much to compare him to. I’ve only had a couple of other partners. I… uh… I’ve never liked sex that much, actually. I’ve never quite got what all the fuss is about.”

He looks up at the ceiling for a long moment. He purses his lips, as if he’s considering something, and gives a short huff. Then he sits up a little in his chair and turns to face me.

“Did Cole give you orgasms during sex?” he asks.

I shake my head.

“Your other partners?”

Another shake.
