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I just look at him. He mutters something and waves a hand to move on.

“Kissing and licking. It lists all the body parts.” I give him a mischievous look. “Anything you wouldn’t like kissed or licked?”

“Nope. It should be a major part of sex before you even get to the good stuff.”

“You sound as if you put the girl’s pleasure before your own,” I say curiously.

“Hey, whatever she’s feeling amplifies what I’m feeling a hundredfold. Turning her on turns me on. Giving her an orgasm makes me feel a million dollars. So yeah. I definitely put my partner’s pleasure first.”

Imagine going to bed with someone who thought like that! It makes my head spin.

I clear my throat so my voice doesn’t come out as a squeak. “Next is dirty talking. Hmm. You first.”

“Imagine I’m saying this in Meg Ryan’s voice. Yes, yes, yes!” he says, and we both laugh.

“You like it?” I ask.

“I do. I think it’s hot. You?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t really tried it. Do you prefer that you do it, or both of you?”

“Both, if she’s willing,” he says. “But I get that it can feel awkward at first. You need to feel relaxed and comfortable with a partner. Have a few drinks, maybe. And I’m not into degradation or humiliation or anything like that.”

“You like praise, right?”

“I do. Very much. Do you think you’d like that?”

“Um… I don’t know. Maybe. I don’t really know what it would involve. I’m thinking of the acronym now.” Shut the fuck up and take this dick like a good girl. I shiver. “Do you say that to your girls?”

“No. I’d never tell a girl to shut the fuck up.”

“So what would you say?”


“I’m curious. What would you say instead of that phrase?” I give him a pleading look. I really want to know.

His gaze caresses my face for a moment. Then he looks back at the road and says, “Something like: you look so beautiful going down on me. You have the most amazing mouth, and I love what you’re doing with your tongue. You know exactly how to turn me on.” His voice has taken on a lazy tone. “I might still call you a good girl,” he adds. His lips curve up.

Ohhh… fuck. That’s so hot. And so lovely. It makes my eyes prick with tears. Why can’t I find someone like this?

I look back at my phone. Best if I move on, I think. “Masturbation. Oh, well, no idea about that. It says watch your partner or have them watch you. Is that, you know, normal?”

“Oh yeah.”

“So a yes from you?”

“Definitely.” He speaks very firmly. Then he glances at me. “Soft limit for you?”

“Um… sort of. It’s hard to say when I haven’t done it.”

“No, that’s true. Did our previous conversation about it help? Are you thinking about it?”

I scratch at a mark on my phone. “I’m not sure. Maybe.”

He falls quiet, and for a moment I think he’s going to question me further, but eventually he just says, “All right, honey. Next section?”

I scroll down. “Well, things start getting a bit spicy now.”
