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“We’re at Kaikoura,” he says. “About halfway. I’ll stop for five minutes, okay?”

“Yes, sure.”

He comes off the state highway, parks in a deserted area by the beach, and switches off the engine. “How are you feeling now?”

“Better. The Panadol has kicked in.”

“Come on, then. Let’s stretch our legs.”

Chapter Seven


We put on our jackets, get out of the car, and walk a few feet to the edge of the beach. Kaikoura is a big whale-watching center, with lots of boats leaving daily to see the magnificent sperm whales, or to take people to swim with the dolphins. The place is deserted now, though, the moonlight turning the scene black and white.

“Apparently, the bay rose up over six feet in the 2016 earthquake,” I comment as we look down at the ocean.

“I didn’t know that,” she says.

I look down at her. She’s gazing out to sea, lost in thought.

I’m no hero. I have a reputation, mainly because I’ve been with more than my share of women, especially since I broke up with Rachel. Some of them have wanted more, and I’ve broken a few hearts when I’ve walked away. But I always make it clear I’m only interested in something short term, so I figure it’s not my fault if they end up wanting more. And when I do sleep with a girl, I like to think I’m always considerate in bed. I’d never do anything to a girl without careful consultation, and I’d never push someone to do something they weren’t keen on. Where’s the fun in that?

So I’m still struggling with what Belle told me about her ex. To think he tried to use a butt plug on her without her permission, without lube, and probably without even some foreplay first… Fucking hell. I get angry every time I think about it. Fucking moron.

Poor Belle. No wonder she’s so confused about sex. Even if there is nothing else going on—and I’m still not sure she’s told me everything—it would be enough to make any girl reluctant to try something new.

“Penny for them,” I say softly, the same way she did to me in the car.

“I was thinking how sometimes they compare an orgasm to waves,” she says, looking at the water as it rolls up the sand. She looks up at me. “Is that how it feels?”

“It’s more like a good sneeze,” I reply, and she starts laughing. My lips curve up. “I’m serious. You know how when you’ve got a heavy cold, and you get one of those sneezes that starts in your boots and takes forever to come and then whoosh—it shakes your whole body?”


“It’s a bit like that.”

“So not like waves, then?”

“Well… I think it’s described like that because it comes in pulses.”

“Oh? I didn’t realize that.”

“Same as with guys. Like, when a guy comes, it doesn’t all happen in one go, right? It takes five or six… you know… surges. Jets.”

She’s looking at me with a kind of wonder. “And it feels good?” she asks.

“Yeah. It feels great. It’s as if you’re trying to get through a locked door, and you’re pushing up against it, and it won’t open, and then suddenly it gives way, and you burst through.”

She sighs. “It sounds nice.”

Ah, shit.

I reach out a hand and cup her face. I’m not sure if it’s because the moonlight has bleached all the color away, but she looks very pale. I brush a thumb across her cheek. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah. Just a few cramps.”
