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He waits a second, and then he lowers his head the final inch and touches his lips to mine.

His mouth is firm and warm, and he gives me a few kisses before I feel his tongue touch my bottom lip, requesting access. Shyly, I open my mouth, and he brushes his tongue inside, against mine.

Oh man. I’m kissing Damon Chevalier. My childhood crush, my teenage fantasies, and the very adult desire I now feel, all combine to make heat rush through me, firing all my nerve endings. Lifting up onto my tiptoes, I raise my arms around his neck, sink my hands into his hair, and thrust my tongue against his.

I feel him inhale and go still for a few seconds, and I move back, embarrassed that I’ve somehow overstepped the mark. I know this isn’t a romantic thing for him.

“Sorry,” I whisper. “Did you want me to… you know… just let you do everything?”

He gives a short laugh, his eyelids dropping to half-mast. “No.” Turning me, his hands on my hips, he moves me back until I meet the side of the car with a bump hard enough to jolt the breath out of me. He doesn’t apologize, though. He just moves closer, pressing me up against the car. His lips hovering above mine, he waits for a second. “I should have guessed,” he says with some amusement.

“Should have guessed w—”

Before I can finish, he crushes his lips to mine.

Oh shit. If I thought the first kiss was explosive, this is thermonuclear. He plunges his tongue into my mouth, and I groan, returning the kiss, which is so hot I feel like a chocolate truffle subjected to a blowtorch. Ooh, he kisses like a god. Why am I surprised? This guy is obviously an expert. He must have practiced a lot. Well, I’m going to pretend he’s mine, just for tonight.

Damon strokes his hands down my arms, takes my hands in his, and laces his fingers through mine while we continue to kiss. He slows the kiss down, and his lips move across mine with tender pressure, his tongue sliding gently against mine. Mmm… that’s nice. The hairs rise all over my body. I didn’t expect this. I thought he was going to bundle me in the car, unbutton my jeans, and shove his hand down them.

I sigh, and he lifts his head and looks at me. “All right?” he murmurs.

“Mmm.” I don’t know how to say that I’ve never kissed anyone like this. God, I’m such a fool. I’ve watched movies where this happens, but I’ve always assumed it was highly romanticized, and that nobody did it like that in real life. Cole wasn’t interested in making out. Sex with him was like leaping into a Formula One car when it was already doing over a hundred miles an hour and only fifty meters from the finishing line.

Damon looks up as a car comes down the state highway and continues south past us. It’s gone ten now, so the road is quiet, and there are no other cars parked by the beach. But he still watches it go, then looks back at me, eyes alight with mischief.

“Come on,” he says, “I want some privacy.”

He opens the front passenger door and moves the seats forward, then does the same to the driver’s side. “I feel like I’m sixteen again,” he says, laughing, as we move the boxes from the back seats onto the front ones. Then he gestures for me to climb in the left passenger door. He shuts it behind me, goes around the other side, gets in the right side, and closes the door.

“Keep your jacket on,” he says as I curl up on the seat. “I don’t want you to get cold.” But he takes his jacket off, draws it over us, then pulls me into his arms and gives me a big hug. Surprised, I nestle against him, loving the way his body heat warms me through beneath the jacket.

“You’re sure about this?” he murmurs, lifting my chin to look into my eyes.

I nod, heart racing. “You?”

“Oh yeah. But I just want to say, if you want me to stop at any point, just say so, okay? I won’t be upset or angry.”

“Damon, I seriously think if you stop, I might die.”

He gives a short laugh and cups my face. “I’m not getting out of the car until I make you come,” he murmurs, brushing his lips across mine. “Okay? I don’t care how long it takes. I want to do this for you.”

I nod, breathless with longing and excitement.

He strokes a thumb across my bottom lip. “You have the most amazing mouth. It’s so soft, and this bottom lip…” He sighs. “You’re unraveling me.”

I’m not sure what he means by that, but it sounds like a good thing.

“Hopefully we can ease some of those cramps,” he says.

“Oh yeah. This is purely medicinal.”

He chuckles. “Yeah.”

“I… um… I’m wearing a tampon, just so you know.” My face heats.

He shrugs. “Okay. Wouldn’t have bothered me if you weren’t.”

