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“Yeah. Sex is supposed to make you feel good. If it doesn’t, you’re not doing it right.”

“I don’t feel as if I’m relaxing. I feel as if I’m being tightened with an Allen key.”

“That’s good. Your body is getting ready to come. You’re doing amazing, baby. I knew you’d have no trouble. You were made for sex. The only trouble is going to be stopping you when you get going.” His sexy chuckle rumbles deep in his chest.

“Ahhh… Damon…”

“Don’t fight it. Try to relax.”

“Don’t stop.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

His fingers are slick and sure, pressing lightly as they swirl over my clit and down through my folds. The world has faded away, and all there is in the universe is this car, this seat, this man, and the sensations spiraling through me.

“You’re so wet,” he whispers, sucking my earlobe. “That means you’re almost there, baby girl. Can you feel it coming?”

“I… don’t know…”

“Tell me what you’re feeling.”

“It’s hard to describe…”

“Is it warm? Tight? Is it in one place or lots of places?”

“It’s… all through me. I feel… mmm, warm, and loose, and tight at the same time.” Every time he tugs on my nipple, I feel an answering clench deep inside. He’s so gentle, but it’s driving me crazy. Oh God, I’ve never felt like this before…

“That’s it. You’re moving your hips now, showing me what you want. That’s good. Oh, we’re so close.”


“Yeah, come on, baby. You’re so fucking sexy. Slowly, now. Take your time. This is going to be amazing.”

He sounds so confident, so sure. Oh God, what’s he doing to me… this is so strange and intense… I’ve never felt this sensation of leaving myself behind before…

He shifts beneath me then, moving me more onto his lap, and with his knees he nudges my legs so they fall either side of his. He then parts his knees as far as the car will let him, opening me up in a way that makes me gasp because it feels so abandoned. His fingers slide down, collecting more moisture, and then swirl once again over my clit.

I let my head drop back on his shoulder. His touch is unrelenting, and although all along I’ve doubted him, suddenly I realize that he’s not going to stop until it happens, whatever it is. A bubble of panic rises inside me. This is so intense, so unlike anything I’ve felt before. It feels incredible… and terrifying… I feel as if I’m hanging onto a ledge, but it’s a long way down, and I’m afraid to let go.

“I’ve got you,” he murmurs. “I’ll catch you. Let yourself fall.”

I want to… so much…

“Close your eyes,” he whispers.

I let them fall shut. Now, in the darkness, beneath his jacket, in the quiet and warmth, I’m all alone, private and safe, with just his sure, determined fingers.I trust you.I don’t know whether I say it or just think it.

I feel a sensation begin deep inside me, spreading out like ripples from a stone dropped in the sea. I hold my breath, and without thinking about it I arch my back, pushing my breast into his hand, tilting my hips up.

He obviously senses it because his fingers slow and he says, “Ah, baby…”

The feeling intensifies, swift and sharp, as if the ripples have reversed and are moving back toward the center. My lower muscles contract in a tight squeeze, and then all of a sudden these strong pulses hit, oh my God, so deep inside, hard clenches—one, two, three—and he’s holding me so tightly, and his fingers aren’t stopping, and it keeps going—four, five, six—and I jerk between each one, and I can’t describe how it feels, but it’s exquisite and ecstatic, he’s right, like a huge, satisfying sneeze, like the taste of swallowing the finest chocolate or a mouthful of the coldest best champagne, like being on a rollercoaster when it suddenly goes down and you get that lurch in your stomach—seven, eight… I cry out, saying his name, almost sobbing with pleasure…

And then, like a wave, it recedes. My muscles loosen, leaving me trembling, and my breath comes in deep gasps.

That’s what it feels like? He makes women feel like this every time he has sex? Multiple times? This is how all women feel when they have an orgasm? No wonder sex is talked about so much. I feel incredibly naïve and stupid and ignorant and oh, so angry.

Then I look up into his warm brown eyes, and all I can think is how crazy I am about this guy.
