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Reaching behind me, I pick up my jacket, bring it forward, lay it over her, and tuck it around her, then turn up the heater a little, as the temperature is dropping. Then I look back at the road, pressing the accelerator, the Jag springing into life and taking the increased speed in her stride.

I drive for over an hour while Belle sleeps beside me, barely stirring. I’m glad she’s getting some sleep. I hope that when she wakes, she’ll feel less achy. From what I understand, orgasms are beneficial for period pain, and I don’t want to boast, but I think the one she had was quite a whopper, so hopefully it’ll help.

My lips curve up at the memory of her crying out my name as she came. I could feel her panic, the fear of the unknown, as her muscles tightened. How must it have felt, not knowing what was going to happen? I can’t remember my first orgasm, but I was pretty young, early teens, I guess. I knew what was going to happen because I’d heard Kip and Saxon joke about it several times, but I still remember it being a surprise—exquisite and blissful, and also slightly alarming to have all that fluid erupting and having no control over it. It’s different for girls, obviously, less messy, easier to hide. But clearly still as shocking, so much so that it made her cry.

I feel a twinge of remorse deep inside and give her a guilty glance. I don’t regret itper se. It was a crime that she’d never had an orgasm, and also that she thought it was wrong to touch herself. I’m disgusted with her mother for making her feel that sex is dirty. Why do people say things like that? So I wanted to help her, to show her how it works, and what it feels like. Kind of like how I once taught Kennedy how to play golf.

Except, of course, it’s nothing like that, and I’m kidding myself if I think I acted out of the goodness of my heart, like a kind of perverted big brother. Making Belle come with my fingers was fifty percent generosity and fifty percent pure selfishness, or maybe even twenty-five, seventy-five, because even though I didn’t come myself, it turned me on to do it, and I know I’ll be jerking off to the memory of it at some point in the near future.

Ah, fuck. I brush my hand over my face. Damon, you selfish bastard. You can’t just go shoving your hand down the knickers of every young girl you meet and making them come in the back of your car just because it makes you feel good. She’s young, impressionable, recently single, she likes you, and you’ve just given her the first orgasm of her life. Do you really think the seeds of disaster haven’t been sown?

I think of Alex and wince. When I was a kid, my dad told me that the best way to judge whether my behavior was on track was to ask myself whether I would tell my mother what I was doing. If the answer was no, the likelihood was that I shouldn’t be doing it. Obviously, there are caveats to that, but I think it’s a good rule for judging whether or not an action you’re considering would offend someone close to you. And the fact that I would never tell Alex in a million years that I’ve just fingered his baby sister tells me that what I’ve done could not even remotely be classed as good behavior.

Still, it’s done, and I’m not the type of guy to beat himself up over something that’s too late to rectify. Whether or not it could be classed as ‘right’, the fact is that I did mean well, and I am pleased that she said she felt empowered.

The Southern Alps to my right are just darker patches against the night sky, their snowy tops glimmering as more stars spring out against the black velvet. Wow, it’s a clear night. It reminds me of camping as a kid. Our family sometimes went with my aunt and uncle and their kids, Christian and Kennedy. I have blissful memories of those days. Until Christian died, anyway. Life wasn’t so much fun after that.

I haven’t spoken to Kennedy in a few days. I’ll have to give her a call when I get back to Wellington, meet up for coffee or something. She’s married now, with a beautiful baby boy, and she doesn’t need me keeping an eye on her anymore, but I still like to check in on her and let her know I’m there for her if she ever needs me.

My mood darkens, and I lose myself in my memories, just me and the Jag, watching the road pass under her wheels.



I open my eyes slowly. I’m facing Damon, and for a moment I don’t move. His elbow rests on the window ledge, his fingers brushing his lips, and he’s lost in thought.

Oh man, he’s so handsome. I must have dreamed what happened in the back seat, right? He can’t possibly have hugged me, kissed me, slid his hands beneath my jeans, and made me come. Just the thought makes my head spin.

I’m still filled with wonder. The physical sensation was one thing. I never realized that’s what an orgasm would feel like. I didn’t know my own body could do that. Why did it feel so good? I’m nervous about exploring myself, but I definitely want to feel that again.

However, the notion that it was Damon who got me there is a whole other matter. I didn’t think beyond the fact that he offered, and I couldn’t have said no for all the tea in China, or any other Asian country for that matter. I didn’t think at all about what happened next.

I’m not offering a relationship, he told me. So do we just go back to normal? To him being my brother’s best mate? Oh my God, how do I do that? How can I act normal during the wedding with the memory of the way he murmured in my ear while he touched me? His deep voice softly saying,Ah, baby girl, you feel so good. You have such an amazing body. So soft, and you smell fantastic…I wish I could go down on you, taste you properly…

I swallow hard. I have to be sensible about this, or I’m going to get my heart broken. Take it for what it was, Belle, a brief encounter to introduce you to what will hopefully be a lifetime of sexual adventure.

He gives a soft sigh. He’s frowning, lost in thought.

“Penny for them,” I say.

He glances over, starlight glinting in his eyes. “Hey,” he murmurs. “How are you doing?”

“I’m okay.” I look ahead, at the endless road. We’ve left the coast, and to either side I can see only the dark shapes of trees atop rolling hills. “How long have I been asleep?”

“About an hour. We’ve just gone over the Hurunui River. We’ve got about an hour left.”

“I’m so sorry. I zonked out.”

“It’s cool. You obviously needed it. How are you feeling?”

“Okay.” I feel suddenly shy.

He smiles, then looks back at the road.

“What were you thinking about?” I ask. “You looked sad.”

He sighs. “The stars remind me of being young and camping with my cousins. My dad’s a twin, and our two families used to go together. Sometimes we’d go up into the mountains. Usually somewhere by a beach.”
