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Belle:Yep. I’m walking into my bedroom right now. Closing the door. Lying down. I have my new best friend with me.

I picture her on her bed, the bullet vibrator in her fingers, and stifle a sigh.

Me:I’m trying to work.

Belle:I’m not stopping you. You don’t have to read my texts.

Well, she’s right. For a few minutes, I listen to James explaining which case he thinks we should use as a trial.

Then I drop my gaze to my phone again. Belle has sent a handful of texts.

I’m turning it on now. Ooh! Little buzzy bee.

I found a list of erogenous zones online. I’m going to try them all out.

Mm! Back of knees feels good.

I’ve discovered I like my hair being touched. I wonder how it feels to have it tugged?

Somewhat dazed, I look back at the others. Juliette has a bee in her bonnet about a particular boy who she says would benefit from the trial, but James says the kid’s father isn’t on the scene, and he’s wary of the emotional stress it might put on a single mum if the results are unimpressive. The two of them are arguing. I’m keeping well out of that discussion.

I return my gaze to my phone. My lack of response hasn’t stopped Belle.

I’m now

I stifle a laugh. The minx.

Mmm, Damon…

I’m getting

Now I’m

Oh my God I’m so

I stifle a groan and blow out a breath. Jeez, this girl…

“Maybe we should bring the mum in for a discussion,” Henry suggests. “We should be able to tell pretty quickly if we think she’ll be able to cope.”

“There are plenty of other applicants,” James states.

“We should choose based on which patient would benefit from the trial the most,” Juliette states hotly.

“To be fair,” Henry says, “I think James is right. There are wider implications here. The child has to have support at home.”

“So you’re saying a single mum can’t provide the same support as two parents?” Juliette asks mildly.

He meets her gaze. “You know that’s not what I’m saying.”

“Do I?”

“Juliette,” James snaps, “come on. None of us is implying a single mum can’t bring up a perfectly well-adjusted child. But we know how much emotional strain there is on parents of children who are in the position of needing treatment. I’d rather have a kid whose mum has support at home from her partner, that’s all.”

“Bullshit,” she says. “The kid doesn’t deserve to be passed over just because you don’t think the mother could cope on her own. Alex, what do you think?”

He turns his pen in his fingers. “I think we should bring her in, if you think the kid is a good candidate.”

The conversation continues, somewhat heated. I’m not worried; the five of us and Tyson have always worked through problems like this, and none of us takes offense if voices get raised or tempers fray, because we all want the best for the business.
