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We all have a sip of champagne. “One of the most important things is not to look desperate,” Juliette says. “Men like the chase. So it’s not about hanging on his every word. You want to play it cool but not too cool.”

“How do I do that?” I ask.

“Dance with other guys,” Aroha says. “Have lots of fun. But glance over at him occasionally. Make it clear you’d rather be having fun with him.”

“It’s about eye contact, I think,” Gaby says.

“Yes,” Juliette agrees, “and occasionally you need to do that thing where you lock eyes and he can’t look away.” They all nod their agreement. “Guaranteed to give them a hard on,” Juliette states, waggling her eyebrows.

“When you talk to him, ask lots of questions,” Aroha says, “about himself, I mean, and look interested in his answers.”

“That bit’s easy,” I reply, thinking about the questionnaire we took in the car.

“Smile and touch him a lot,” Juliette says.


“Not his knob,” Gaby says. “Not right away, anyway.”

Juliette giggles. “Lean toward him and brush his arm. Smile. Look into his eyes. Moisten your lips.”

“Don’t dribble, though,” Aroha says. “That’s not sexy.”

“Depends where you’re dribbling.” Gaby waggles her eyebrows, and we all snort.

“I’ve got one more tip,” Juliette says. “Don’t be afraid of awkward pauses.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you’re talking, and there’s a gap in the conversation, you don’t have to rush to fill it. Keep eye contact with him, smile a little, and just wait. Let your bodies do the talking.”

I nod. “Okay. I’ll try!”

“So that’s six things,” Gaby states, putting down the pencil. “Wear flattering clothes, let him see you having fun with other guys, hold eye contact, ask questions, touch him often, and don’t be afraid of awkward pauses.” She passes me the list. “I want to see you doing all those things at the rehearsal and at the wedding!”

I take the list, heart racing. Is it possible I could really seduce him? I’ve never gone for a guy like this. I’m usually far too shy, and I’ve always waited for guys to approach me. But I know Damon. I feel safe with him, and comfortable, too.

He’s been badly hurt, though, and I know he’s reluctant to share himself with anyone other than on a purely physical level. If the girls’ seduction plan works, and he can overcome his principles, I’d be happy with physical contact for now. If I want more than that, though, I’m going to have to get him to trust me, and whether I can do that remains to be seen.

Chapter Fifteen


The day after Tyson’s stag night, the wedding rehearsal evening is due to start at 5:30 p.m. I spend the day at Kia Kaha, return to the hotel after 4 p.m. for a brief rest and to change, then leave my room at 5:15 and walk down to reception. I’m directed by Tyson’s younger brother, Freddie, who’s the main usher, through the Savoy Ballroom and out into the garden.

The event planners have laid out the garden ready for the big day tomorrow, and tonight we’re running through the ceremony so everyone knows what to do and where to stand. White seats in rows face the altar that’s been woven with pale-pink roses and ribbons, which appears to be the color scheme Gaby’s chosen, as balloons in the same color are tied to pillars at the back, and pink and white garlands loop between the aisles.

Gaby and Tyson are standing by the doorway, and they both greet me as I walk in. Gaby throws her arms around my neck and gives me a hug, and Tyson shakes my hand.

“How are you feeling?” she asks mischievously. Tyson has obviously told her about the copious amounts of whisky that were downed last night.

“Delicate.” I give a wry smile as she giggles. “You?”

“Yeah, a bit fragile.”

“You had a good time, though?”
