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When I’m done, I lower the phone, and we study each other for a moment.

“I must look horrendous,” I say.

“You’re beautiful,” he says simply. “Like a freshly plucked rose.”

“Did you say plucked?”

We both give a short laugh.

“I’m so sorry,” I say. “For all the inconvenience.”

“Belle, come on. We’ve known each other long enough not to worry about stuff like that.”

“Even so. You thought you were going to get your leg over, and instead you got to hold my hair while I threw up.”

“I also got to hold you all night. I can’t complain.”

“I am sorry, though,” I say sincerely. “I was looking forward to… you know. I’m incredibly disappointed to have ruined it.”

“Who says you’ve ruined it?”

“Damon… I can’t. I look awful, and I have to go and help Gaby.”

He shrugs. “There’s always tonight.”

My eyes widen. “Are you serious?”

His lazy gaze studies my mouth for a moment, then lifts back to mine. He doesn’t reply, but his lips curve up.

We study each other for a moment. The sunshine streaming through the window highlights motes of dust dancing in the air. They sparkle, as if someone’s scattered fairy dust across us. It feels like a magical moment, as hope and excitement rise inside me, pushing down the negative emotions that overwhelmed me last night.

I’m conscious of badger breath, but even so, I can’t resist leaning forward and pressing my lips to his. His mouth is firm and warm, and he slides a hand to the nape of my neck and holds me there for a few seconds before releasing me.

My face warms, so I know I’m blushing. “I’m going to get dressed,” I whisper, “and then I’d better get going.”

“All right.”

I get out of bed, grab my clutch, and, conscious I’m not wearing any trousers, run across to the bathroom and go inside.

Blowing out a breath, I lean on the sink and look at my reflection. Oh Jesus, I look like a witch. My hair is all over the place, my eye makeup is all smudged, and my skin is blotchy.

There’s no point in having a shower as I’ll have a bath when I get home. I clean my face, though, removing my makeup with one of the hotel wipes, then take an elastic band out of the clutch and twist my hair up into a scruffy bun. I discover a toothbrush in a packet in the drawer, and steal a bit of his toothpaste to clean my teeth. My dress is hanging on the back of the door, so I take off Damon’s tee reluctantly and pull on the dress. I can’t do the zipper up myself, so I go back out into the bedroom.

He’s got up, and he’s sitting in one of the chairs in front of the window, looking at his phone, but he rises as I come out.

“Would you mind…?” I turn my back to him.

“Sure.” He comes over, and I feel his fingers against my skin as he takes the tab of the zipper and slides it up carefully.

“Thanks.” I turn to face him.

“You look amazing,” he says, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

“I’ve cleaned my teeth,” I reply, then blush again as I realize what a clumsy statement that was.

He just smiles, though, cups my face in his hands, and moves up close to me. “Ma belle,” he murmurs, and lowers his lips to mine.

This time, he brushes his tongue across my bottom lip. In response, I open my mouth, and he slides his tongue against mine, and we indulge in a long, leisurely kiss that soon has my heart racing.
