Page 53 of Kiss Me Again

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He laughs hard. “That was an impressive save with your phone. If you can think that fast on your feet, then I can understand why MacMillan Co has the reputation it has.”

“Well, I grew up playing a lot of tennis, so I tend to be quick on my feet. But as far as business goes, everything I learned, I learned it from my father.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Too many your age don’t appreciate the older generations.”


“But I’m curious about something,” he says in a tone that worries me.

“What’s that?”

“It would be no hardship for your father to fund your resort. Why not let him?”

Because he’s trying to teach us another lesson.“Because I’d rather we did this on our own. He could, certainly, but it’s important for my brothers and I to build relationships ourselves, to move MacMillan Co forward ourselves. If we relied on him for everything, then how could anyone justify doing business with us after he’s gone?”

“It takes foresight to understand that, and too many people do not. I can’t tell you how many people want my money without understanding their own future.” He shakes his head, annoyed. “They think my money will swoop in and fix whatever they need. It’s foolish, and I don’t invest with fools.”

“I can’t blame you. With the market the way it is, everyone should think about their future. Not what someone else can do for them.”


The French doors open, and Lily stands there, smiling. “Gentlemen, are you ready for some food?”

“How could I say no to that?” Clint asks facetiously as he walks in.

Behind him, I walk in and give her a hug, whispering, “Thank you.”

She bobs her head once before closing the doors. The table is set and everything looks incredible. As we sit, she walks us through the meal. “Lemon and herb roast chicken and gravy, sour cream mashed potatoes, steamed green beans, and green salad. Clint, would you prefer your wine or would you like to try one of ours? I have a crisp pinot gris and a mild rosé, but if you’d like, I also made lemonade.”

He smiles, still eyeing all the food. “This looks divine and smells even better. I’d like to try the pinot gris.”

She pours him a glass, along with the two of us. Franny holds out her glass for wine, too. Lily says, “Of course.” Then she pours her a glass of lemonade. When Franny makes a face, she says, “You’re welcome.”

“Thank you,” Franny sulks.

Aiden sticks his tongue out to tease his sister, but with a sharp look from Lily, his tongue vanishes back into his mouth. “May I have some lemonade?”

“You most certainly may,” Lily says as she pours for him, too. We pass around the foods, making our own plates.

Clint notes, “You have a lovely home.”

“I love it here in the country,” Lily says.

“You should see my ranch,” he adds. “It’s an hour outside of San Antonio in Bandera. Seven hundred acres of good Texas country.”

“That sounds lovely.”

“You ever think of buying a ranch, Cormac? Sounds like the little lady would love one.”

She grins, but I can see in her eyes, she wants to kill him for calling herlittle lady. I fight the urge to kiss her for holding back. “Never considered myself much of a ranch guy. Maybe a cabin in the woods?”

But Lily shakes her head. “Come on. You’ve seen horror movies, haven’t you? Nothing good happens in a cabin in the woods.”

Clint laughs. “Pretty and smart. Where’d you find this one?”

“The wanted ads,” she teases.

He laughs, not knowing how close to honest she’s being. After he bites into the chicken, he pauses, face falling. My stomach knots in an instant.What’s wrong? Mine is perfect. Why isn’t he smiling anymore?But then he lets out a happy groan. “Oh my god. This is incredible. I demand the recipe.”
