Page 15 of Bitsy

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Ghost smirks but doesn’t respond.

“If I go, can I fight someone?” she asks, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I growl in response, “Hell no. We’re not even going to take you down below.”

“Why not? I’m as fierce as they come.” She flexes her arms, attempting to showcase her fierceness.

Steel can’t help but tease her, saying, “You’re cute as a button, so fierce that all the puppies will run away from you.”

She quickly reconsiders, admitting, “Okay, so maybe cage fighting isn’t for me. But, I’ll have you know that my dad and uncles taught me how to defend myself under any circumstances. I may not be able to fight in the cage, but I can bring a man down to his knees in three seconds flat.”

Steel chimes in, “That I don’t doubt. All it took was a single look for you to have my smitten brother practically begging.”

I shoot my brother a glare but can’t help but smile. He’s not wrong.

Bitsy, bubbling with enthusiasm, bounces on her toes with her fists clenched in front of her. She starts bouncing back and forth, playfully punching the air.

“Alright,” she says with a smile, “Let’s go watch strange people kick some ass.”

“Damn right,” Steel shouts. “But tomorrow is just a celebration before the fight begins in the next couple of days.”

Shrugging, she bounces over to Steel and starts punching his chest in mock battle.

My brothers all holler their approval while Ma laughs heartily.

“She’s a keeper, brother,” Blaze remarks.

“Definitely a keeper,” I agree with a grin.

“I am not being kept,” she huffs, causing everyone to burst into laughter once again.

“Come on, little one,” I tell her. “Let’s get some sleep so that you have as much energy tomorrow to dance and have fun.”

“I’m not sleeping with you,” she tells me as I guide her to the stairs.

“Of course not,” I agree. “I’ll be sleeping with you.”

“That’s the same thing, Viper.”

Careful of her head, I scoop her into my arms and make my way to the guest room where we’ll be staying tonight.

“Do you have to use the restroom?” I ask.

“No,” she answers easily. Usually, people stare at me like I’m a freak if I ask simple questions like that.

Reaching the bed, I hold Bitsy tightly with one arm as I reach down and pull the blanket back. Gently laying her down on the bed, I pat her legs silently asking for her to raise them so I can cover her up.

“Do you need any light or sound in order to sleep?” I ask.

Bitsy smiles.

“Usually, I sleep with some sort of sound machine,” she admits. “But I think I’ll be fine. My mind won’t shut up long enough for there to be silence.”

Tucking the blankets around her snugly, I walk to the other side of the bed and lay on top of the blankets.

“Is it safe for me to sleep now?” Bitsy asks in the darkness.

Reaching over, I find her hand and hold it gently in mine.
