Page 17 of Bitsy

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Cap sighs, running his hand down his face. “Damn it,” he mutters quietly.

“It’s not meant to be understood, son,” he says. “It’s just meant tobe.”

“You’re right, Sir. It’s like a force of nature, something beyond explanation or control. All I know is, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make her happy and keep her safe. I hope you can understand that no matter what, I will fight to remain by her side. I’ll go head-to-head with whoever it takes. Even her. Even you, sir.”

“I’ve killed men for less,” he warns.

“Of that, I have no doubt.”

Cap moves to the bottom of the bed and stares down at Bitsy.

“She’s just told us that she has cancer,” he reminds me. “Her bio mother also had cancer. It’s what killed her. As much as it pains my old heart to say this, there is a good chance that this could take her away from us. Why would you want to tie yourself to someone about to go through something like that?”

“I think you understand, Sir,” I tell him. “I think you can picture yourself the day you met her ma and remember those immediate feelings. If she told you she was going to die, would you have walked away?”

“Not a chance in hell,” he growls. “As a matter of fact, her life was in danger and I focused on nothing other than keeping her, and the baby she carried within her, safe. So, while I’m not happy that those feelings you have are directed towards my little girl, I do understand them. And, if you’re being honest about how you feel, I also know that you’ll stop at nothing to keep her safe. So, and it kills my soul to say this, you have my blessing to pursue her.”

I smile. Fuck yes. Already, I know how much Bitsy’s family means to her so this means everything to me.

“I will warn you,” he smirks. “Bitsy is hard-headed, stubborn, and fiercely passionate about her bike. You don’t have an easy path ahead of you, son. I wish you the best of luck. Just know that if you harm her, physically or emotionally, you won’t ever see the light of day again.”

“If I harm her, or any woman,” I respond. “My brothers will kill me before you even find out.”

With a satisfied not, Cap turns and walks out of the room.

“Well, that was dramatic,” Bitsy says sleepily. “I don’t know how you’re not bleeding from your face.”

“Because your pops likes me,” I smile, laying back down and pulling her into my arms. “How did you sleep?”

“My headaches gone,” she says, snuggling into my chest.


We lay there for several minutes in silence before Bitsy speaks again.

“We really need to get up,” she says. “My dad isn’t a patient man and I have a feeling he’s threatening your entire family.”

She pushes off of my chest and I reluctantly let her go.

“Where’s the bathroom?” she asks. “I can’t remember.”

“Two doors down,” I tell her, gesturing for the bedroom door.

Deciding to give her some space, I wait by the staircase until she’s finished.

“Holy crap,” she gasps. “That’s freaking huge.”

“What is it?” I ask, rushing to the bathroom and shoving open the door.

“Dude,” she says, eyes wide. “Why didn’t you tell me that my face was this bruised? It looks like I lost a fight with a bear.”

“Not a bear,” I inform her. “Just the pavement. Are you ready to head downstairs? Sounds like there’s a party going on.”

“Great. Let’s get this over with.”

Chapter Five

