Page 44 of Bitsy

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I maintain my silence as we cautiously navigate through the dimly lit building, the weight of our mission pressing heavily upon us like an insurmountable burden. Ghost, our steadfast leader, guides our small band with unwavering focus. We've successfully infiltrated the enemy's stronghold, determined to rescue our brother, Viper, from the clutches of those who have subjected him to torment.

The air is thick with anticipation, yet there is no eruption of gunfire, no chaotic skirmish. Instead, we proceed with the hushed precision of a surgical operation. Our objective remains crystal clear: eliminate the threats and secure Viper's safe return.

Within the chamber where Viper lies, an aura of unease permeates the atmosphere. His bruised and battered form serves as a grim testament to the brutality he has endured, motionless on the frigid floor. My heart aches at the sight, but there is no room for despair; time is of the essence.

Ghost, Steel, and Venom move with calculated steps, dispatching the enemy silently, akin to shadows in the darkness. There is no margin for error, no time for hesitation. Our brotherhood's unbreakable bond fuels our determination.

When we reach Viper's side, Venom steps back, and I take the forefront. My medical expertise kicks in, and I quickly assess Viper's condition, my hands working methodically to stabilize him. The room is charged with tension as we await any sign of life.

A faint, almost imperceptible gasp fills the room, and Viper's eyes flicker open briefly before closing once more. But he is breathing. Relief washes over me, and I know our mission has been a success. Viper is alive.

With Viper safely in our custody, we make our way out of the building, our mission accomplished in silence. Those criminals who dared to threaten our brother have met their match.

As we leave that grim and eerie place behind, I can't help but feel a profound sense of redemption. The Obsidian Motorcycle Club has weathered its fair share of adversity and emerged victorious, reaffirming that our bonds of brotherhood and unwavering love for each other can conquer even the darkest of trials.

Chapter Sixteen


The hospital room feels like a prison. I have been waiting here for what feels like an eternity, my heart caught in a relentless grip of fear and hope. Viper, the love of my life, has been missing for too long, and the agonizing uncertainty weighs heavily on my heart.

Where are you? Please, be okay.

The hours drag slowly as I wait for news. Every passing moment feels like an eternity, each second a painful reminder of the void his absence had left in my life. The calls from Ma and Mom did their best to console me, offering reassurance that the men were doing everything they could to find him.

Finally, after nearly twenty-four hours of unbearable waiting, they come back with news. Relief and anxiety mix as they inform me that they have found him. My heart soars with hope, but the words that follow shatter me to my very core.

“He’s alive,” Ghost says, “But you need to brace yourself, Bitsy. He’s in rough shape and there’s a high probability that he won’t make it.”

“Alright, Ms. Williams,” Dr. Stone says as he waltzes into the room with a bright smile. “Your IV drip is finished and your latest test results came back normal. I think it’s time we get you out of here so you can go back home. I’m going to go ahead and administer today’s chemo treatment here and as soon as it’s done, you’re free to go.”

I lose all composure. The tears that I’ve tried to keep at bay over the last twenty-four hours just pour out of me. I feel the bed compress as someone, I assume Ghost, sits down and pulls me into his arms.

Conversations are going around the room, but I don’t hear anything other than the roaring of my broken heart.

“Sweetheart,” Ghost says, pulling me from my own torment. “The doctor needs your permission to administer your treatment. You need to take care of yourself so Viper can focus on getting better.”

Numbly, I lean over and sign the paper Dr. Stone is holding out. I already know what it says. I have to sign the same damn thing before each treatment.

I hardly notice as they unwrap the crease of my elbow where my treatment IV always stays.

“I want to see him,” I say to no one in particular. “Just put me in one of those chairs with the IV stand and take me to him.”

I know by the sympathetic look in Dr. Stone’s eyes that I’m not going to like his answer.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Williams,” he says. “It’s just not safe for you to be in the ICU right now.”

“He’s in the ICU?” I ask, tears flowing down my face.

“He’s in surgery,” Ghost says, glaring at the doctor. “After the surgery, he’ll be placed in ICU for a few days until he isn’t so critical. Trust his strength, Bitsy. Viper will fight tooth and nail to come back home to you.”

“What about after his surgery?” I ask Dr. Stone. “Can I go see him then?”

“I’m sorry,” he answers.

“Okay, tomorrow, then. I can see him tomorrow, right?”

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